


2e E-Conference Societal Complexity


Power points belonging to Book of Abstracts, Papers and Power Points Volume 37b


Dorien DeTombe & Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber  (Eds.) 




2e E-Conference Societal Complexity Amsterdam

Power points belonging to Book of Abstracts, Papers and Power PointsVolume 37b 2021


Operation Research EURO MSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR

Dorien DeTombe and  Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber  (Eds.)

Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront,  ISBN /EAN 978-90-77171-61-5

Corr. address

Version 001, June 2021

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Language English

ã Greenhill & Waterfront, Dorien J. DeTombe

10 Euro





Some of the Power Points belonging to the second E-Conference Societal Complexity Amsterdam 2021




This conference organized by Prof. Dr. Dorien DeTombe and by Prof. Dr. Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber takes place in the times of the second year for the Lock-Down for SARS-CoV-2.

In 1993 the EWG Methodology of Societal Complexity (MSC) is created as a part of the International International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity (MSC), founded and chaired by Prof. Dr. Dorien DeTombe. The International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity (MSC) and the EWG Methodology of Societal Complexity (MSC) has since 1993 organized many conferences in all continents all over the world and published many books and articles in scientific journals; see

The previous EWG Methodology of Societal Complexity (EURO – now international - Working Group) is since 2018 merged the EWG OR and Ethics at the occasion of the EURO Operational Research Conferences and as part of IFORS (International Federation of Operational Research Societies) conferences.

Methodology of Societal Complexity focuses on methodologies, methods and tools for analyzing, structuring, guiding and evaluating complex societal problems. Complex societal problems are often policy problems that can occur in many fields, like in the Agro-industry (water pollution by too much manure, and fowl plague), in the transportation sector, in healthcare (SARS-CoV-2, Malaria, HIV/Aids, Flu), in Water affairs and in economy (credit crisis). The field focuses on handling local safety problems like large city issues and natural disasters as flood and hurricanes and global safety problems like war and terrorism. Although many of these issues have different causes, they have so much in common that they can be approached in the same way by using the Compram methodology, a methodology based on the use of experts and actors and the voice of the people in a democratic way.

             Complex societal problems, as such, are unstructured, dynamical, constantly changing and have a large impact on society on macro, meso and micro level. Handling complex societal problems needs a special multi-disciplinary approach. The content knowledge comes from content experts. The process knowledge comes from facilitators. The power is in the hand of actors. The attention of the research of Methodology of Societal Complexity is on the methods and tools facilitators need for guiding these kinds of problems. The facilitators use methodologies specially created for the field of societal problems combined with methods and insights derived from fields like medicine, law, economics, societal sciences, methodology, mathematics, computer sciences, technology, engineering sciences, socio-cybernetic, chaos theory and operational research combined with content knowledge. Often a combination of methods is needed as is prescribed by the Compram methodology for handling complex societal problems.


EURO Working Groups related to Societal Complexity are:

EWG OR and Ethics and OR

EWG EUROPT - EWG on Continuous Optimization

EWG OR for Development



Keywords: Methodology, Complex Societal Issues, Decisions, Sustainable Development, Healthcare, Economy, Environment, Operational Research



Dorien DeTombe & Gerhard Wilhelm Weber


Prof. Dr Dorien DeTombe, Sichuan University, Chengdu, P.R. China,

EWG Methodology for Complex Societal Problems (MSC), EWG Ethics and OR, EWG EUROPT, EWG OR for Development

Founder and Chair International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe

Prof Dr Gerhard Wilhelm Weber, Politechnika Poznańska, Wydział Inżynierii Zarządzania, ul. Jacka Rychlewskiego 2, 60-965 Poznań, Poland,,

and Institute of Applied Mathematics, METU, Ankara, Turkey

EWG Ethics and OR, EWG EUROPT, EWG OR for Development


Some of the power points belonging to the second E-Conference Societal Complexity Amsterdam 2021


Designing a Dynamic Model of Waste Management to Get a Sustainable Living Condition

Herman Mawengkang,, Indonesia

Husain  Indonesia

Some questions to answer about the Covid19 crisis as a complex societal problem

Prof. dr. Cor van Dijkum, The Netherlands

Sustainable development and principles of social systems modeling.

Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Makarenko

Novel aggregate production planning under overtime, outsourcing and uncertain seasonal demand with various human factors


Prof Dr Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Faculty of Engineering Management, Poznan University of Technology, Poland

Cand. PhD.. Selma Gütmen, Faculty of Engineering Management, Poznan University of Technology, Poland

Dr. Alireza Goli, Industrial engineering, Yazd University, Iran 

Dr. Erfan Babaee Tirkolaee Department of Industrial Engineering, Istinye University, Istanbul Turkey


Is climate change a Complex Societal Challenge? Analysis of Tunisian agricultural sector risk chain

Dr. Sana Essaber, Tunisia

Education in a post Covid world

Prof. Dr. Stephen G. Taylor, Canada

Advances in modeling complex prosocial behavior: An animal experiment measuring neural activation by sex and trait-bred anxiety post-exposure to a novel environment.

Prof. Dr. Kajiji, N, Dash, G, and Donaldson, S. Tiffany , USA  



info :


Prof. Dr. Dorien  DeTombe
International Institute Societal Complexity Europe (IISCE)
in cooperation with
 Euro Work Group of Ethics and Societal Complexity
Sichuan University, Chengdu, P.R. China
Chair International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity
 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe Tel: +31 20 6927526
多莉恩·德通教授  华人民共和国四川省成都市


©Dorien J. DeTombe, All rights reserved, first created  August  2021