Agenda 2020


                   Research agenda conferences and meetings of the

International Research Society of

Methodology of Societal Complexity (MSC)

Prof. Dr. Dorien DeTombe






2020  2020 2020 all conferences online

 March 19-22, 2020 University of Jakarta, Jakarta Indonesia Comperscience and Societal Complexity

                      May 20, 2020  Moscow via internet
SYSTEMIC ECONOMICS, SOCIO-ECONOMIC CYBERNETICS, SOFT MEASUREMENTS IN ECONOMY of “System analysis in Economics” of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation in partnership with a number of organizations


June 2020 23  1e Societal Complexity Conference Amsterdam via internet

                                      Prof Dr Dorien DeTombe and Prof Dr Gerhard Weber



August 6-7, 2020 University of Jakarta, Jakarta Indonesia Comperscience and Societal Complexity via internet


August 29 OR and Development South -Africa via internet

                    November 2020 28-29 Aceh North Sumatra Indonesia Conference on Computer Science


09-11 December, 2020 Moscow  SYSTEM ANALYSIS IN ECONOMICS - 2020

                                            Department of “System analysis in Economics” of the Financial University under the Government of the               Russian Federation in partnership with a number of organizations



Learning Societal Complexity:


Interdisciplinary Masterclas Methodology Societal Complexity
Amsterdam University    Prof. Dr. Dorien DeTombe


Introduction  Methodology Societal Complexity   

Amsterdam University two masterclasses Prof. Dr. Dorien DeTombe

 Interdisciplinaire Masterclass Methodologie Maatchappelijke Complexiteit Compram course 1
 Universiteit van Amsterdam 10 masterclasses    Prof. Dr. Dorien DeTombe  Dutch/English
 Masterclass Facilitator: begeleiding complexe maatschappelijke problemen    Compram Course 2

Amsterdam University 10 masterclasses  Prof. Dr. Dorien DeTombe  Dutch/English



Masterclass Societal Complexity and Simulation Course 1   

Amsterdam University  10 masterclasses Prof. Dr Dorien DeTombe  and Dr Cor van Dijkum   in cooperation  with Andragology


info :


Prof. Dr. Dorien  DeTombe
Chair EUROMSC  Euro Work Group of Societal Complexity
Sichuan University, Chengdu, P.R. China
Chair International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity
 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe Tel: +31 20 6927526
多莉恩·德通教授  华人民共和国四川省成都市


©Dorien J. DeTombe, All rights reserved, first created  November 2018, updated February 2020