
Research agenda conferences and meetings of the International Research Society on

Methodology of Societal Complexity (MSC) 

organized by  


Prof. Dr. Dorien J. DeTombe


(in cooperation with other scientific organizations) on the topic of  Complex Societal Problems



see also Agenda




January  February, March  2022

Two days Masterclass Introduction Societal Complexity the Compram Methodology  on Corona



                      May 11 -12 2022 Amsterdam online and local ( hybrid)


                                      3e Societal Complexity Amsterdam Conference

                                     Prof Dr Dorien DeTombe, Prof Dr Gerhard Weber and Prof dr Cor van Dijkum


 July  3-6   2022 Espoo Finland  online and local


     OR and Ethics and  Societal Complexity 

      Prof Dr Dorien DeTombe

 special session Ethics, Societal Complexity and Governance

                                                       Prof. Dr Dorien De Tombe and Prof. Dr Cathal Brugha



August   2022 Jakarta Indonesia online conference

                                  Comperscience and Societal Complexity via hybrid internet/local

                                  2nd ICAISD conference University of Jakarta Indonesia


September 12 -16 2022 Japan online

International Conference on Social Science Methodology of RC33 -

                                                    RC20 Regional Conference on Comparative Sociology & The 2nd RC33 Regional Conference on Social Science Methodology in Tokyo, Japan. The conference will be held online from 12– 16 September 2022. Please click here for more details regarding the conference. Read More

                                                        special session on Societal Complexity  

                                                                      Prof. Dr Dorien DeTombe


 November 2022 Siantar North Sumatra Indonesia

                                                   Conference on Computer Science


December, 2022 Moscow 

                              SYSTEM ANALYSIS IN ECONOMICS -

                              Department of “System analysis in Economics” of the Financial University

                              under the Government of  the Russia Federation in partnership with a number of organizations



Learning Societal Complexity and the Compram methodology Masterclasses

in Dutch or  English:





Interdisciplinary Masterclass Methodology Societal Complexity
Amsterdam University    Prof. Dr. Dorien DeTombe


Introduction  Methodology Societal Complexity   

Amsterdam University two masterclasses Prof. Dr. Dorien DeTombe

 Interdisciplinaire Masterclass Methodologie Maatchappelijke Complexiteit Compram course 1
 Universiteit van Amsterdam 10 masterclasses    Prof. Dr. Dorien DeTombe  Dutch/English
 Masterclass Facilitator: begeleiding complexe maatschappelijke problemen    Compram Course 2

Amsterdam University 10 masterclasses  Prof. Dr. Dorien DeTombe  Dutch/English



Masterclass Societal Complexity and Simulation Course 1   

Amsterdam University  10 masterclasses Prof. Dr Dorien DeTombe  and Dr Cor van Dijkum   in cooperation  with Andragology






                      May 20, 2021  Moscow

Department of “System analysis in Economics” of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation in partnership with a number of organizations


June  3  2021 Amsterdam online

                                      2e Societal Complexity Amsterdam Conference

                                     Prof Dr Dorien DeTombe and Prof Dr Gerhard Weber

Dorien DeTombe & Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber  (Eds.) (2021)

Dorien DeTombe & Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber  (Eds.)Book of Abstracts and Papers Volume 37a 2e E-Conference Societal Complexity Amsterdam Operational     Research EURO MSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront,  ISBN /EAN 978-90-77171-59-2

Dorien DeTombe and  Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber  (Eds.) (2021) Power points of Book of Abstracts  Volume 37 2e E-Conference Societal Complexity Amsterdam  Operational Research EURO MSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront,  ISBN /EAN 978-90-77171-61-5

July  11-14  2021 Athens Greece  online and local


     OR and Ethics and  Societal Complexity 

      Prof Dr Dorien DeTombe & Prof Dr Alec Morton

  special session

Ethics, Societal Complexity and Governance

                                                          Prof. Dr Dorien De Tombe and Prof. Dr Cathal Brugha      

Dorien DeTombe, Alec Morton and Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber (Eds.) Book of Abstracts Volume 38 Euro conference Athens 2021 Stream Ethics in OR on Zoom



September 7-10 2021   Cyprus

                                                    The 10th International Conference on Social Science Methodology of RC33 -

                                                    Logic and Methodology in Sociology- Nicosia Cyprus

                                                    special session on Societal Complexity and Simulation  abstract submision

                                                                 call for papers RC33 Societal Complexity and Simulation

                                                      Prof. Dr Dorien DeTombe and Dr Cor van Dijkum  

                                                    General Abstract submissions

                    November 2021 28-29 Siantar North Sumatra Indonesia

                                                   Conference on Computer Science


09-11 December, 2021 Moscow 

                              SYSTEM ANALYSIS IN ECONOMICS - 2021

                              Department of “System analysis in Economics” of the Financial University

                              under the Government of  the Russia Federation in partnership with a number of organizations


 2020 2020    2020   2020 all conferences online



 March 19-22, 2020 University of Jakarta, Jakarta Indonesia Comperscience and Societal Complexity

                      May 20, 2020  Moscow
                     SYSTEMIC ECONOMICS, SOCIO-ECONOMIC CYBERNETICS, SOFT MEASUREMENTS IN ECONOMY of “System analysis in Economics” of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation in partnership with a number of organization


                 23 June 2020 Amsterdam time on Zoom

                                           1st E-Conference Societal Complexity




June 2020 21-26 Seoul Korea South  Ifors Conference Operational Research  Or and Ethics: Ethics and Societal Complexity


                     August 6-7, 2020 University of Jakarta, Jakarta Indonesia Comperscience and Societal Complexity via internet


                       August 29 OR and Development South -Africa via internet



                        September 8-11 2020 

                     The 10th International Conference on Social Science Methodology of RC33 -Logic and Methodology in Sociology- Nicosia Cyprus

                    special session on Societal Complexity and Simulation

                    Prof. Dr Dorien DeTombe and Dr Cor van Dijkum

                            Abstract submissions


November 2020 28-29 Siantar North Sumatra Indonesia Conference on Computer Science


09-11 December, 2020 Moscow  SYSTEM ANALYSIS IN ECONOMICS - 2020

 Department of “System analysis in Economics” of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation in partnership with a number of organizations





2019  2019        2019       2019


June 2019 23-26 Dublin Ireland Europe Euro Conference Operational Research  Or and Ethics: Ethics and Societal Complexity



                     September 2019 18-20  EURO Mini-Conference "Modelling&Simulation of Social-Behavioral Phenomena in Creative Societies" 

                organized by Prof. Leonidas Sakalauskas, Vilnius University Institute, Lithuania    co-chair Prof Dr Dorien DeTombe, Amsterdam




2018      2018      2018     2018   2018



February,  1 , Moscow, Russia, Europe  2018 organized by Prof Dr Elena Popkova    

                        Pyatigorsk, Russia  new information and communication technologies in the modern economy



February ,  2018          11th International conference of ICOAC Brussels  Europe 



March  6 -7   2018  Tehran Iran   11th International strategic management conference organized by Iran Strategic Management Association


March 2018 Paris  Europe  Agriculture and Horticulture:


March 26 2018 Korea, Seoul

International Scientific Session on Economics. Knowledge Managemente Sustainable Development in the Relations Between Iran & Republic of South Korea 


July 2018 8-11 Valencia Spain Euro Conference Operational Research  Or and Ethics: Ethics and Societal Complexity




2017 2017     2017     2017    2017      2017

February 3,  2017          9th International conference of   ICOAC, Rome Europe 


March 2017 2-3 Amsterdam, Europe  Agriculture and Horticulture:



May 2017 10th International conference of ICOAC, Rasht, Iran, Asia  


September 11 - 14, 2017 Taipei, Taiwan Asia

session: 05 Handling Complex Societal Systems: a Methodological Challenge


1st RC33Regional Conference on Social Science Methodology

September 2017 - February 2018
Dutch: cursus Interdisciplinaire Masterclass Methodologie Maatschappelijke Complexiteit Universiteit van Amsterdam
English: CourseInterdisciplinary Masterclass MethodologySocietal Complexity   Amsterdam University    


2016     2016     2016    2016      2016
USA May 2016         
 9 May 2016 Workshop The George Washington University USA    invited by Stuart A. Umpleby, Professor Department of Management,
The George Washington University
11 May meeting 2016 workshop Columbia University New York USA invited by Prof. Dr Tak Utsumi
12 May meeting Prof. dr. Fisher The Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict & Complexity (AC4) 
The Earth Institute invited by Prof. Dr Tak Utsumi
June7th International conference of
International Center of Academic Communication ICOAC , Sweden
July 2016   3-7 Poland Poznan
28th European Conference on Operational Research   Poznań, Poland Poznan University of Technology
Call paper Euro 28 Poznan on  Methodology of Societal Complexity
Stream Methodology of Societal Complexity      
Methodology of Societal Complexity and Economy
Methodology of Societal Complexity and Sustainable Development
Methodology of Societal Complexity and Healthcare
Methodology of Societal Complexity and Terrorism
Book of Abstract Methodology of Societal Complexity Volume 33 Poznan 2016

stream OR and Ethics (Brugha, DeTombe, Kropat, Weber)
Book of Absract OR and Ethics Volum 32 Poznan 2016
Associated partner event:
“State of the Art and Future Development ” in cooperation with
Sunday, 3 July 2016 3-5 pm
Book of Abstract Volume 31 State of the Art Poznan 2016
8th International conference of International Center of Academic Communication (ICOAC)
 International Conference on Economics & Management              Islamic  Azad University, Sirjan, Iran
Unesco meeting on Education and Social ScienceTehran, Iran
October  University of Amsterdam
Dutch research meeting on  Methodology of Societal Complexity & Nosmo  Vluchtelingen een complex probleem
Organised by 
·         Dutch NOSMO Research Group on Methodology of Societal Complexity
·         Dutch NOSMO Research Group on Simulation
·         International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity    
·         Operational Research Euro Research Group on Methodology of  Societal Complexity  EWG Methodology for complex societal problems
·         Sichuan University, Chengdu, P.R. China

4th International conference on Systems Analysis, Financial Federal University, Moscow , Russia
International conference of Women and Urban life, Tehran, Iran  
September 2016 - February 2017
Dutch: cursus Interdisciplinaire Masterclass Methodologie Maatschappelijke Complexiteit Universiteit van Amsterdam Andragologie
English Course Interdisciplinary Masterclass MethodologySocietal Complexity   
Amsterdam University     Andragology

2015     2015     2015      2015  2015     2015     2015      2015


27th Euro Conference  Glasgow UK 12-15 July 2015

Book of abstract Volume 30 Glasgow 2015


Amsterdam presentation UVA Book   Handling Societal Complexity Dorien DeTombe, Springer Verlag 2015



2014    2014     2014      2014    2014     2014     2014   2014  2014    


IFORS Barcelona, Spain, 13-18 July 2014     Call for Invited Abstracts

Stream “Methodology of Societal Complexity”  is a part of the Main Area




Session I:    “Societal Complexity and Economy”                         

Session II:   “Societal Complexity and Sustainable Development”  

Session III:  “Societal Complexity and Healthcare”                    

Session IV:  “Societal Complexity and Internet Privacy”                 


Book of Abstracts Volume 28 Barcelona 2014

Associated partner event:

“State of the Art and next Questions” in cooperation with


Sunday morning, 13 July 2014 

Book of Abstracts Volume 29 State of the Art Barcelona 2014



September 26Seminar  research, modelbuilding and simulation of complex societal problems  2014 UVA

Amsterdam presentation Book   Handling Societal Complexity Dorien DeTombe, Springer Verlag 2015



2013 2013  2013       2013      2013     2013     2013


 Juli 1-4                          

 26th European conference on Operational Research (EURO XXVI) Rome Italy        


                  stream Methodology of Societal Complexity (EUROMCS

                            Main Stream 10 Health, life sciences & bioinformatics on

                             themes: Societal Complexity  & Global Safety, Sustainable Development and Healthcare 


                         Book of Abstract Volume 26 Rome 2013



                          Satellite events :


                      Saturday 29 June 2012 Workshop OR and Development 

Satellite Workshop of The State of The Art on  problem handling and decision making

 Sunday 30 June 2013 from 10 am till 1 pm  Rome Italy  DeTombestateoftheartcallparticirome2013.pdf

Book of Abstracts Volume  27 State of the Art  Rome 2014


 Round Table Discussion

                      Operational Research EUROMSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR




Mini-EURO-Conference on Decision Support in Economics; Critical and Collaborative Applications
Conference Venue: Karl Franzens University of Graz, in Graz, Austria  17th to 19th of October, 2013




2012  2012       2012      2012     2012     2012



EURO Conference  8-11 July  2012



stream   Methodology of Societal Complexity (EUROMCS


 themes: Societal Complexity  & Global Safety, Sustainable Development, Healthcare and Financial Risks

Satellite events :

 Saturday July Workshop OR and Development 

 Sunday July Workshop State of the Art Societal Complexity



2011       2011      2011     2011     2011



April 14  2011  


Complexity, Uncertainty and Ethics

Faculty of TPM, Delft University of Technology

 Delft, The Netherlands, Europe


organized by the

Benelux Chapter of the SD Society and the EURO Working Group on Ethics and Operational Research.


July 25-27, 2011

Third International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization (INDS’11)

Sixteenth International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering (ISTET’11) 

University of Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt, Southern Austria (Carinthia), Europe.

November University of Amsterdam 2011     praktijkonderzoek



July  11-14

EURO Conference Lisbon Portugal 

Stream  Methodology of Societal Complexity (EUROMCS)

themes: Societal Complexity  & Global Safety, Sustainable Development, Healthcare and Financial Risks

Satellite events :

 Saturday July 10th 2010 Lisbon  Workshop OR and Development 

 Sunday July 11th Lisbon Workshop State of the Art Societal Complexity



September 1-3


Europt  Prof Dr G-H. Weber

Stream Methodology of Societal Complexity




February   Methodology day NOSMO


July  5-8


XXIII EURO Operational Research Conference Bonn 2009

Stream 10 Health, life sciences & bioinformatics on Methodology of Societal Complexity

themes: Societal Complexity  & Global Safety, Sustainable Development, Healthcare

September  30- Oktober 3

Knowledge-Based Technologies and OR Methodologies for Strategic Decisions of Sustainable Developement  (Korsd-2009)

 the 5th International Vilnius confernce and the Euro-Mini Conference

Vilnius, Litouwen, Europe



March 28  2008 

Methodology day NOSMO

          info: complex societal problems nosmo dag


May 4- 16 2008

METU Ankara in cooperation with Prof Dr G-H. Weber

lectures and workshops on Methodology of Societal Complexity


IFORS South Africa July 13-18  2008

The IFORS Conference on Operational Research

Operational Research: Developing communities, managing the connections between them

themes: Societal Complexity  & Global Safety, Sustainable Development, Healthcare  


September 1-5, 2008 Naples, Italy, Europe

7th International Conference on Social Science Methodology

Campus di Monte Sant’Angelo Naples, Italy, Europe

RC332008 Societal Complexity

themes: Societal Complexity  & Global Safety, Sustainable Development, Healthcare  



March  9 2007 

Methodologendag , Nosmo Maatschappelijke Complexe Problemen Univeristy of Utrecht 

July 8-11  2007    

The 22nd European Conference on Operational Research,EURO XXII, Prague, 2007,Czech Republic, Europe, general info

Euro Working Group on Methodology of Societal Complexity 2007



·        ISA, XVI ISA World Congress of Sociology, Research Committee on Logic and Methodology RC33,, Complex Societal Issues, Durban, South -Africa, July 23-29 2006 ,  info: Complex Societal Issues Durban

·         Iceland, 21st European Conference on Operational Research EURO XXI in Iceland July 2-5, 2006 our info: Complex Societal Issues Iceland





·         Methodologendag , Nosmo Maatschappelijke Complexe Problemen, Website NOSMO, Nijmegen, 2005 our info complex societal problems


·         Decision Sciences Institute November 2004, DSI 2004, Boston; Mini-Track: Complex Societal Problems 




·         Methodologendag , Nosmo Maatschappelijke Complexe Problemen, Website NOSMO, Amsterdam, 2003




12th Mini EURO Conference, Free University Brussels, Belgium, Europe 2-5 April 2002, E-mail:

·         Methodologendag , Nosmo Maatschappelijke Complexe Problemen, Website NOSMO, Amsterdam, 2002



·         Methodologendag , Nosmo Maatschappelijke Complexe Problemen, Website NOSMO, Amsterdam, 2001


·         Methodologendag , Nosmo Maatschappelijke Complexe Problemen, Website NOSMO, Amsterdam, 2000


·         Methodologendag , Nosmo Maatschappelijke Complexe Problemen, Website NOSMO, Amsterdam, 1999


·         Methodologendag , Nosmo Maatschappelijke Complexe Problemen, Website NOSMO, Amsterdam, 1998


·         Methodologendag , Nosmo Maatschappelijke Complexe Problemen, Website NOSMO, Amsterdam, 1997




            International conferences in the Netherlands combined Euro conferences and Nosmo





Prof. Dr. Dorien  DeTombe
Euro Work Group of Societal Complexity
Sichuan University, Chengdu, P.R. China
Chair International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity
 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe Tel: +31 20 6927526
多莉恩·德通教授  华人民共和国四川省成都市


© Dorien J. DeTombe, All rights reserved, first created  1998, update February 2019