Call for Invited Papers

Complex Societal Issues


EURO XXI in Iceland
July 2-5, 2006

21st European Conference
on Operational Research

Skidoo on glacier

The world-famous Geyser

Glacier mountain







Complex Societal Issues  

Stream organizer: Dorien J. DeTombe

International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity

P.O. Box. 3286, 1001 AB Amsterdam,

The Netherlands, Europe Tel: +31 20 6927526



see the booklet of the presentations of the conference iceland 2006


see final program of iceland research group societal complexity


The stream of complex societal problems consists of:


Session I:    Complex Societal Issues in general

Session II:   New frontiers in sustainable living


Session III: Workshop


send abstracts before 30 November 2005


to the session organizer you selected

Abstracts must be written in English and contain no more than 600 characters, no formulas or mathematical notations are allowed.

After reviewing and accepting your paper you will get a login name for sending you abstract to the organization, then you can register.


Session organizers:


Session I: Complex Societal Issues in general


Dorien J. DeTombe

International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity

P.O. Box. 3286, 1001 AB Amsterdam,

The Netherlands, Europe Tel: +31 20 6927526



Session II:   New frontiers in sustainable living


Prof. Dr. Ali Gökem and Prof. Dr. Inci Gökmen

METU Middle East Technical University

06531 Ankara TURKEY



Session III: workshop : Discussion on the topic of complex societal problems

organized by :

Dr. Cathal Brugha, Prof. Dr. Ken Bowen en Dr. Dorien DeTombe


Dorien J. DeTombe

International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity

P.O. Box. 3286, 1001 AB Amsterdam,

The Netherlands, Europe Tel: +31 20 6927526



The aim of the session of Complex Societal Problems on the Euro XXI 2006, is to present a set of lectures focusing on methodology for handling real life complexity, the emphasis can be any subject or  sustainable living


Keywords: Methodology, complex societal issues, sustainable living

Each attendee is allowed to present ONE paper at the conference.

Please register for the conference and include on the Registration Form the name of the stream: Complex Societal Problems

To register, please download the Registration Form in Excel, fill it out, and then send back to the conference secretariat either by email attachment to or by fax: +354-554-1472.

For more information on the EURO 2006 conference or to be included on the announcement email list, please send email to:


Preregistrate before March 2006




Invited papers

 30 November 2005

Deadline for abstract submission:

March 1st, 2006

Notification of acceptance:

March 15th, 2006

Deadline for early registration:

April 1st, 2006

Deadline for author registration:

May 15, 2006 (for inclusion in programme)


July 2-5th, 2006


The subject of Methodology Handling Complex Societal Issues:


Methodology of Handling Complex Societal Issues focuses on methods and tools for analyzing, structuring, guiding and evaluating complex societal problems.


Complex societal problems are often policy problems that can occur in many fields, like in the Agro-industry (Mad-Cow disease, BSE; Foot- and Mouth disease; Fowl Plague), in the transportation sector, in healthcare (Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Sars, Flu), in Water affairs. It focuses also on handling local safety problems like large city issues and natural disasters as flood and hurricanes and global safety problems like war, terrorism. Although many of these issues have a different cause, they have so much in comment that they can be approached in the same way. Besides that, being in Africa means also to be confronted with the complexity of the AIDS/HIV problem.

Complex societal problems, as such, are unstructured, dynamical and constantly changing and have a large impact on society on macro, meso and on micro level.


Handling complex societal problems needs a special interdisciplinary approach. The content knowledge comes from content experts. The process knowledge comes from facilitators. The attention of the research group is on the methods and tools facilitators need for supporting these kinds of problems. The facilitators use methods specially created for the field of societal problems combined with methods and insights derived from their original field like medicine, law, economics, societal sciences, methodology, mathematics, computer sciences, technology, engineering sciences, chaos theory and operational research. Often a combination of methods is needed. In this way the field uses all kind of methods from social sciences and operational research. An often-used approach is simulation. A simulation model is one of  the powerful tools to describe societal complexity. With simulation models one cannot only understand the causal relations between the phenomena but also see what effect changes have.

WaterfallMidnight sun


Other activities  organized by the International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity see agenda




İDorien J. DeTombe, All rights reserved, first announced September 2005 update Februari 2006