Lectures of Prof. Dr Dorien DeTombe

Prof. Dr Dorien J. DeTombe developed the  COMPRAM methodology  

The COMPRAM methodology is a methodology for handling complex policy problems and complex societal issues. She applied the methodology on subjects of: how to handle complex problems, policy problems, floods, disasters, risks, HIV AIDS, urban research, Covid, future planning and changes in organizations.

Prof. Dr Dorien DeTombe

Sichuan University Chengdu, China

Founder and chair Operational Research International, Euro, West-Euro, & Dutch Working Group Methodology of Societal  Complexity

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe   Tel: +31 626334270

E-Mail: DeTombe@nosmo.nl     http://www.complexitycourse.org    http://www.doriendetombe.nl






        Invited as visiting professor/ expert / keynote speaker at:



2023 Indonesia University Stikom Tuna Bangsa Siantar on Traffic Indonesia University Stikom Tuna Bangsa Siantar Obesity     

                        Indonesia University ITB Indonesia on Cybecrime  Philippines University of DMMMSU North La Union Campus on Salt project



2022 Japan RC20 Regional Conference on Comparative Sociology & the 2nd RC33 Regional Conference on Social Science Methodology: Asia Covid Indonesia University Stikom Tuna Bangsa Siantar Obesity     

                        Euro Conference Finland Helsinki Covid Problem Farmers Protests  new information and communication technologies in the modern economy  Euro Conference Finland Helsinki Covid Problem




                        Indonesia conference Jakarta ICAISD Covid Vaccination  




                        Indonesia conference Jakarta ICAISD Corona/Covid  



2019   Europe University of Amsterdam Andragology Handling Complex Problems  

                        Indonesia University Siantar Obesity  



2018 February,  1 , Moscow, Russia, Europe  2018 organized by Prof Dr Elena Popkova    

                        Pyatigorsk, Russia  new information and communication technologies in the modern economy  lecture via teleconference



DeTombe, Dorien (2017) September 11 - 14, 2017 Taipei, Taiwan Asia  organized session DeTombe-VanDijkum : 05 Handling Complex Societal Systems: a Methodological Challenge

lecture via teleconference

 DeTombe, Dorien (2017) International British-Russian round table “Energy efficiency as a new vector of sustainable development of entrepreneurship in the conditions of climate change”,  July 4-5, 2017  Volgograd, Russia.organized by Prof Dr Elena Popkova lecture via teleconference


DeTombe, Dorien (2017) Keynote speaker at 10th International conference of ICOAC, Rasht Iran,  invited by dr. Behdad Alipour May 2017



DeTombe, Dorien (2017) Keynote speaker at 9th International conference of ICOAC, Rome, Italy ,  invited by dr. Behdad Alipour February 2017




DeTombe, Dorien (2016) Keynote speaker at 1st International conference of Women and Urban life, Tehran, Iran,  invited by dr.Majid Mirdamadi December


DeTombe, Dorien (2016) Keynote speaker at 4th International conference on Systems Analysis, Financial Federal University, Moscow , Russia,   invited by Prof. George B. Kleiner


DeTombe, Dorien (2016)  Speaker at Unesco meeting on Education and Social Science, Tehran, Iran,  invited by dr. Sheida Mahnam October


DeTombe, Dorien (2016) Keynote speaker at 8th International conference of International Center of Academic Communication (ICOAC) International Conference on Economics & Management              Islamic  Azad University, Sirjan, Iran,  invited by dr. Behdad Alipour September


DeTombe, Dorien (2016) Keynote speaker at 7th International conference of International Center of Academic Communication (ICOAC), Sweden,  invited by dr. Behdad Alipour June


DeTombe, Dorien (2016) Lecture Columbia University NewYork USA May 2016 invited by Prof. Dr  Tak Utsumi 


DeTombe, Dorien (2016) Lecture George Washinton  University invited by Prof. Dr. Stuart A. Umpleby ( 9-11 May)


DeTombe, Dorien (2016) Keynote speaker at 6th International conference of International Center of Academic Communication (ICOAC)ICOAC, Brussels, invited by dr. Behdad Alipour  January




DeTombe, Dorien (2015) Sichuan University, 华人民共和国四川省成都市,  四川大学   Chengdu, China October 2015 invited by prof. dr. J. Gu, Chinese Academy of Sciences and International conference of IASCYS


DeTombe, Dorien (2015) East Connecticut University, Connecticut, USA September 2015 invited by Prof. dr. Don Petkov


DeTombe, Dorien (2015) University of Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe invited by Nosmo research society, lecture new Book: Handling Societal Complexity DeTombe (2015)




DeTombe, Dorien (2014) University of Amsterdam, Oude Manhuis Poort, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe invited by International Research Society of Societal Complexity, lecture new book: Handling Societal Complexity DeTombe (2015)



DeTombe, Dorien (2013) Visiting Professor April -May  University of Sumatera Utara  (University of North Sumatra USU) Medan, Sumatera Utara,invited by Prof. Dr. Herman Mawengkang

DeTombe, Dorien (2013) Visiting Professor invited by Prof. Dr.Tolordava Tbilisi, Georgia: Council of the Economics and Business Faculty of the Tbilisi Ivana Javakhishvili State University, Tbilisi, Geogia Oktober 2013



DeTombe, Dorien (2012) Visiting Professor Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research Mumbai India, Oktober 2012 invited by Dr. B. Sudhakara Reddy and Visiting Professor  November 2012

Institute of Management Technology (Imt) Nagpur, India invited by Dr. Subhash Datta




DeTombe, Dorien (2011) Visiting Professor University of Klagenfurt, Austria invited by Prof. Dr.Kyandoghere Kyamakya July 2011


DeTombe, Dorien (2011) Visiting professor Federal University of Minas Gerais School of Law  BeloHorizonte/MG, Brazil invited by Prof. Dr. mr. Gustin October 2011






DeTombe, Dorien (2009) Visiting Professor  Department of Strategy and Logistics Norwegian School of Management, Oslo Norway  invited by prof. Dr. Fred Wenstøp October 2009




DeTombe, Dorien (2008) invited by Mete Tahmisoğlu  Istanbul  Turkey




DeTombe, Dorien (2007) Multidisciplinary cooperation in Healthcare March 2007Antalya Turkey Healthcare conference 


DeTombe, Dorien (2007) The COMPRAM methodology August 2007 Kiev Summer School (KPI) The COMPRAM Methodology invited by Prof. Dr Alexander Makarenko, Department of Mathematical Methods of System Analysis, National Technical University of Ukrain, Kiev, Ukrain

DeTombe, Dorien (2007) Sustainable Development and  The COMPRAM methodology October 2007 USA, East Connecticut University, Connecticut, USA invited by Prof. Dr Don Petkov and Prof Dr Olga Petkova

DeTombe, Dorien (2007) Group use of Simulation Models October 2007, Poly Technical University (WPI), Worchester, USA Simulation models for sustainabel development as a group activity




DeTombe, Dorien (2006) The COMPRAM methodology for handling Sustainable DevelopmentSeptember 2006 CIGSUD Conference, University of Romerio, Vilnius Lithuania, http://www.mii.lt/CIGSUD  


DeTombe, Dorien (2006) visiting Professor at ICT Department, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, Prof. Dr. Nips Nepal


DeTombe, Dorien (2006) The concept of  societal complexity: complexity of Health Referral Systems and some examples: looking at healthcare system as part of the society, March 2006 Ankara Turkey Healthcare Tobias University  


DeTombe, Dorien (2006)  invited by Prof. Dr. David Ferguson to the Stoney Brook University of the State University of New York October 2006


DeTombe, Dorien (2006) Visiting professor University La Sapienza, Roma, Italy, invited by Prof. Dr. Rosanna Memoli November/ December 2006



DeTombe, Dorien (2005) Explaning the COMPRAM methodology for handling Global Safety. Japan, Global safety, OECD workshop in cooperation with Dutch Ministry of Education Department Science, December 2005. 

DeTombe, Dorien (2005) The Compram method for handling the HIV/Aids problem as a complex societal problem. HIV/AIDS/Social Development Policies Division/Canadian International Development Agency February 2005.

DeTombe, Dorien (2005) Serie of 8 lectures on the COMPRAM methodology, the Balaban valley project, terrorism and societal complexity

METU, Middel East Technical University, invited by Prof. Dr. G. W. Weber, Prof. Dr. Bulent  Karasozen, Prof.dr. Caglar Guven, Prof. dr.Ali Gokmen, Prof.dr. Ingi Gokmen, dr. Omur Ugur and dr. Erol Sayin and dr. Haldun Sural, Ankara Turkey, March 4-25 , 2005.


DeTombe, Dorien (2005) Terorrism as a complex societal problem, Marmora University Istanbul invited by dr. Mustafa Erdogu, March 2005.



Université Libre de Bruxelles, Service mathématique de la Gestion,ULB by Prof. dr. Ph Vincke. March 2004

 Central  Connecticut State University invited by  Dr Olga Petkova, New Britain  USA, May 2004


State University of New York, Purchase Institute, invited by dr. Henry Etzkowitz, New York, May 2004


Institute of Systems Science, Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, invited by  Prof. dr. Gu  & Dr. Xijin Tang, October 2004


MIS, School of Business, East  Connecticut State University invited by  Dr Don Petkov, New Britain  USA, November 2004


State University of New York, Purchase Institute, New York, November 2004 invited by prof. dr. Henry Etzkowitz


University of UQuam, Prof. dr J. Waaub, Montreal , Quebec, November , 2004



 MIS, School of Business, East  Connecticut State University invited by  Dr Don Petkov, New Britain  USA, October 2003


State University of New York, Purchase Institute, invited by Dr. Henry Etzkowitz, New York, October 2003



METU, Middle East Technical University, invited by Prof. Dr. G. W. Weber,and Prof. Dr. Bulent  Karasozen Ankara Turkey, December 1-15, 2003


Gerad Research Center, Uqam, Montreal, Canada, invited by Prof. Dr. Philippe Waaub and Vincent Roche  September 2002.

Central Connecticut State University, School of Business,New Britain CT 06050, USA invitation by Dr Olga Petkova, October 2002

New York State University, USA,  invited by by dr.Henri Etkovitz, October 2002

London School of Economics, UK, invitated by Prof. Dr. Jonathan Rosenhead, December 2002




CSIR, Pretoria dr.H. Ittmann, July, South-Africa   University of Natal, PieterMaritzburg, July South-Africa     University of Cape -Town, July South-Africa



Prof. dr. R. Scholz, ETH, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). Chair for Environmental Sciences, December  1999


Prof. dr. R. Scholz, ETH,  Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). Chair for Environmental Sciences, December  1998



 Insititute Sineca, Department of Human Development, Beijng, China, June 1995.


 Beijng Normal University, Beijng, China, June 1995

Dr. Shi Jiannong, Department of Human Behavior and Development, University of  Beijing, China 1995



University of Tbilissi, Georgia, by Dr. J. Tolordava, USSR, May 1990.

International Business School, MBA-program, Warshawa, Poland, May 1990.

University of Warshaw, Department  of Economics, by Dr. W. Switalski, Warshawa, Polen, 1990

 Academy of Economics, Statistics  & Informatics, Prof. dr. B. Wasik, Krakow, Poland, September 1990

University of  Moskow,  Department of Psychology, GOS, Prof. dr. B. Velichskovky, 1990



 Academy of Economics, Statistics  & Informatics, Prof. dr. B. Wasik, Krakow, Poland, September 1989

School of Simulation and Gaming, Wegierska Gorka, Poland, September 1989

University of Warshaw, Department  of Economics, by Dr. W. Switalski, Warshawa, Polen, 1989


Subject lectures:




 DeTombe (2016) The position of women in life: a complex societal problem  conference Women and Urban life Tehran Iran December

 DeTombe (2016) Handling  societal complexity Unesco meeting Tehran, Iran

 DeTombe (2016) Handling  societal complexity 8th ICOAC conference Sirjan, Iran

DeTombe (2016)  The refugee problem in Europe: a complex societal problem Euro2016 28th European Conference on Operational Research conference Poznan Poland

DeTombe (2016) Handling  societal complexity ICOAC conference Falun, Sweden

DeTombe (2016) Handling  societal complexity ICOAC conference Brussels, Belgium


DeTombe (2016)  Euro2016 28th European Conference on Operational Research conference Glasgow UK *


DeTombe (2016)  complex societal problem Ifors conference Barcelona Spain


DeTombe (2013) Hoe onderzoek je maatschappelijke complexiteit: praktijkanalyse gebaseerd op theorie. Nosmo conference University of Amsterdam

DeTombe (2013) The Roman Katholic Church as a complex societal problem Euro conference


 DeTombe (2012) How to handle societal complexity Nosmo conference University of Amsterdam

DeTombe (2012) De rooms-katholiek kerk als een complex maatschappelijk probleem Nosmo Conference University of Nijmegen ( Radboud University)

DeTombe (2012) Global safety Middle East University Ankara (METU)


 DeTombe (2011) The Compram methodology a multidisciplinary approach for handling complex societal problems University of Klagenfurt, Austria

 DeTombe (2011) Hoe om te gaan met de complexiteit van een sociaal probleem? Nosmo conference University of Amsterdam



DeTombe (2010)   complex societal problem Euro conference Lisbon Portugal video presentation*



DeTombe (2009)   complex societal problem Euro conference*

DeTombe (2009) The complexity of the credit crisis Nosmo conference University of Amsterdam




DeTombe (2008)   complex societal problem Euro conference*

DeTombe (2008) Climate change: a complex societal process; analysing a problem according to the Compram methodology Nosmo conference University of Amsterdam



  DeTombe (2007)  Complexity of Patient Safety Assurance : Human and System Implications improving inter-discipline communications Euro2007 2?th European Conference on Operational Research conference Prague Czech Republic Europe



DeTombe (2007) Policy Making For Complex Societal Problems: The COMPRAM Methodology - Handling Local Natural Disasters as an Example; De Katrina ramp in USA:  het verminderen van slachtoffers en schade Nosmo conference University of Amsterdam



DeTombe (2006)    Euro conference*

\DeTombe (2016)  Nosmo conference*



DeTombe, Dorien (2005) Terorrism as a complex societal problem, Marmora University Istanbul invited by dr. Mustafa Erdogu, March 2005


DeTombe, Dorien (2005) Serie of 8 lectures on the Compram method, the Balaban valley project, terrorism and societal complexity

METU, Middel East Technical University, invited by Prof. Dr. G. W. Weber, Prof. Dr. Bulent  Karasozen,Prof. dr.Ali Gokmen and Prof.dr. Ingi Gokmen and Prof.dr.  Ankara Turkey, March 4-25 , 2005


DeTombe, Dorien (2005) The Compram method for handling the HIV/Aids problem as a complex societal problem. conference on HIV/AIDS as a Societal Systems Challenge,HIV/AIDS/Social Development Policies Division/Canadian International Development Agency February 2005


DeTombe, Dorien (2004) How to deal with causality in complexity on the subject of large cities,at the RC33 Sixth International Conference on  Social Science Methodology, cd,  http://www.siswo.uva.nl/rc33/, Siswo: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe

DeTombe, Dorien (2004)  Decision making of complex real life issues: do we have the right problem?, MIS, School of Business MIS, Dept of Business Administration, East  Connecticut State University, May 200

        DeTombe, Dorien (2004) The COMPRAM approach: Handling Complex Problems in real life, Purchase College,     State University of New York, May 2004

DeTombe, Dorien (2004) Why get revolutions out of hand School of Art + Design Purchase College, State University of New York, May 2004


DeTombe, Dorien (2004) The Compram method for handling complex policy problems, Institute of Systems Science, Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Oktober 2004

DeTombe, Dorien (2004), The complexity of large city problems, Master program Sustainable Development, University of Utrecht, Utrecht,  The Netherlands,  September 2004

DeTombe, Dorien (2004),  Research of Complex Societal Problems and the Chaos theory', NOBEM inleidende workshop "Chaos & Complexiteit", Leusden, Oktober 2004

DeTombe, Dorien (2004), The Theory of Societal Complexity and The Chaos Theory: Why Do Revolutions Get Out of Hand, ECCON Conference Driebergen, The Netherlands, Leusden, Oktober 2004

DeTombe, Dorien (2004) Floods as complex societal problems handled according to the Compram method, University of UQuam, Prof. dr J. Waaub, Montreal , Quebec, November , 2004

DeTombe, Dorien (2004) Chaos Theory and Complexity  35th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Boston, November 20-23 2004, part of the track MS/OR: Techniques, Models and Applications

DeTombe, Dorien (2004) Complex societal issues: a combination of knowledge, power and emotion, MIS, School of Business MIS, Dept of Business Administration, East  Connecticut State University, November  2004

DeTombe, Dorien (2004) Complex societal issues: structuring the unstructured, MIS, School of Business MIS, Dept of Business Administration, East  Connecticut State University, November 2004. Applying Systems Thinking, Information Systems, Operations Research and Management to Social Problems, Workshop at Eastern Connecticut State University, ECSU Department of Business Administration, ECSU Nonprofit Leadership & Philanthropy Initiative (NLPI), The International Operations Research Working Group on Complex Societal Problems  


DeTombe, Dorien (2003) Evaluating changes in large cities. on the HCP2003 "Human Centered  Processes: Distributed Decision Making and Man Machine Cooperation" Organized by Prof. Dr. Raymond Bisdorff , May 2003 Luxemburg

 DeTombe, Dorien (2003) Sars, Workshop Wageningen University , The Netherlands, April, 2003

DeTombe, Dorien (2003) Evaluating projects in large cities. EURO/INFORMS, Istanbul,Turkey  July 2003

DeTombe, Dorien (2003), Ethical aspects in the Compram method, a method for handling complex societal problems. Special Focus Symposium on Cognitive, Emotive and Ethical Aspects of Decision Making in Humans and in AI at theInterSymp-2003 15th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, August, 2003, Baden-Baden, Germany

 DeTombe, Dorien (2003) Large City Problems, invited by  Dr Don Petkov, MIS, School of Business, East  Connecticut State University New Britain  USA, Oktober 2003

DeTombe, Dorien (2003) War on Terror and  theory of complex societal problems , State University of New York, Purchase Institute, New York, Oktober 2003

DeTombe, Dorien (2003)  Revolutions and  Chaos Theory   State University of New York, Purchase Institute, New York, Oktober 2003, Including Video Strukturen of Anna Abee.

 DeTombe, Dorien (2003), Youth Violence in Large cities: the Causes, Social Healthcare, Maastricht University

DeTombe, Dorien (2003) Large City Problems series of lectures on complex societal problems and the Compram method related to poverty. METU, (ODTU) Middle East Technical University, Ankara Turkey, December 2003.

DeTombe, D.J. Complex Societal Issues in Sustainable Agriculture Dairy Farming (Dutch) Methodologendag SISWO, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe, November 2003


DeTombe, Dorien (2002) Handling Complex Problems in Society: the COMPRAM approach. invited by Prof. Dr. Jonathan Rosenhead London School of  Economics, and Political Science, Department of Operational Research, London, UK, December 2002

  DeTombe, Dorien (2002) Theory of complex societal problems invited by Dr. Henry Etzkowitz, University of New York, Purchase Institute, New York, October 2002

DeTombe, Dorien (2002) Complexity as a Challenge, invited by  Dr Olga Petkova MIS, School of Business, Central Connecticut State University New Britain  USA, September 2002.

DeTombe, Dorien (2002) COMPRAM method en the role of the facilitator invited by Dr. Jean-Philippe Waaub Gerad Institute, Universities of Montreal, Canada, September 2002.

 DeTombe, Dorien (2002), BSE, Workshop Wageningen University , The Netherlands, April, 2002

DeTombe, Dorien (2002) Introduction to the field of Complex Societal Problems on the  IFORS 2002 , Edinburgh, UK July 2002. See in DeTombe, Dorien (Ed.) (2002) Complexity as a Challenge, Book of Abstracts, IFORS 2002 , Edinburgh, UK, Volume 11 Amsterdam : Greenhill & Waterfront, Europe: Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Guilford, UK , America: Montreal, Canada  ISBN 90-77171-03-7    NUGI 661, 652, 659, 852

DeTombe, Dorien (2002) Handling the complexity of large cities. on the  IFORS 2002 , Edinburgh, UK July 2002. See In DeTombe, Dorien (Ed.) (2002) Complexity as a Challenge, Book of Abstracts, IFORS 2002 , Edinburgh, UK, Volume 11 Amsterdam : Greenhill & Waterfront, Europe: Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Guilford, UK , America: Montreal, Canada  ISBN 90-77171-03-7    NUGI 661, 652, 659, 852


DeTombe, D.J. Workshop; State of the Art on Complex Societal Problems, Euro 2001, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Europe, July 2001

DeTombe, D.J Getting a method for societal problem handling accepted for policy use Euro 2001, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Europe, July 2001

DeTombe, D.J. Introduction in the field of Complex Societal Problems Euro 2001, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Europe, July 2001

DeTombe, D.J. Tutorial: Handling Complex Societal Problems EUROSIM 2001, Conference Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, Europe, June 2001

DeTombe, D.J. Validation of the simulation models of complex societal problems for policy use EUROSIM2001 Conference Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, Europe, June 2001

DeTombe, D.J. An integral approach for Aids based on the Compram method, ICORD conference, Krugerpark, South-Africa, May 2001

DeTombe, D.J. Methodology for Handling Complex Societal Problems and the Compram Method for the HIV/Aids problem University of Natal, PieterMaritzburg, South-Africa, May 2001

DeTombe, D.J. (Dutch) Testen van methoden voor complexe maatschappelijke problemen, Methodologendag SISWO, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe, November 2001


DeTombe, D.J. Het testen van methoden voor maatschappelijke problemen. NOSMO onderzoeksgroep Methodologie voor complexe maatschappelijke problemen. april 2000, SISWO, Amsterdam

DeTombe, D.J. Testing methods for real life problems, E U R O XVII, E U R O 2000, Budapest, July 2000.

DeTombe, D.J. Testing methods for complex real life problems. Social Science Methodology in the New Millennium. The Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology, October 2000, Cologne, Germany


DeTombe, D.J Compram: a method for handling complex societal problems. ETH, auDes Conferentie Zurich, April 1999

DeTombe, D.J Compram: a method for handling complex societal problems IIASA/Das conference, TuDelft, April 1999

DeTombe, D.J Validation of scientific research of complex societal problems for policy use Thiems’99 Conference TuDelft, May 1999

DeTombe, D.J Validating Methods for Complex Societal Problems.IFORS '99, July 1999, Beijing, China


DeTombe, D.J. Het vakgebied methodologie voor complexe maatschappelijke problemen Methodologendag SISWO, Amsterdam, april 1998

DeTombe, D.J. Research Questions For Methodology For Complex Societal Problems On Euro working group 21: Methodology for Analyzing Societal Problems. Euro XVI Brussels, July 1998

DeTombe, D.J. System Dynamic Modeling as a central part of Methodology for Complex Societal Problems, System Dynamic Conference, Quebec, Canada, July 1998

DeTombe, D.J. A contribution of socio-cybernetics to the analysis of complex Technical Policy Problems, 14th International Sociology Conference in Special Session Using Socio-Cybernetica Concepts for Analysing Complex Societal Problems Montreal, Canada, July 1998

DeTombe, D.J. A methodology for complex societal problems, The 38th European regional Science Association, Vienna, August 1998, proceedings, cd-rom 6 pages

DeTombe, D.J. Simulation of Complex Technical Policy Problems, Simulation in Industry Nottingham UK, October 1998

DeTombe, D.J Inside and outside validity (Dutch lecture), Nosmo Methodologendag, Tilburg, november 1998




DeTombe, D.J. Using The Seven Layer Model Of The Method Compram For Analyzing Complex Technical Policy Problems. Connecting Groupware Groupsystems V With The Conceptual Modeling Software Cope. 7th Mini Euro-Gdss Conference Decision Support Systems Groupware Multimedia Electronic Commerce, Bruges Belgium, March 1997

DeTombe, D.J. (1997) Cooperative and interactive policy making: some: historical views, Isaga 1997 , Tilburg, July 1997

DeTombe, D.J. The three mayor components in handling complex problems: knowlegde, power and emotion. session Methodology on complex societal problems. EURO XV - INFORMS XXXIV, Barcelona, Spain, July 1997.

DeTombe, D.J. Moments of support by a groupware brainstormingtool in handling complex technical policy problems, session Group Decision Making, EURO XV INFORMS XXXIV, Barcelona, Spain, July 1997.

DeTombe, D.J Methodologie voor complexe technisch bestuurskundige problemen: meer dan analyse alleen, Nosmo Methodologendag Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Amstredam, november 1997.

DeTombe, D.J. (1997) Sociocybernetica-werkgroep. Macht en onmacht van de ondernemingsraad: het machtsconcept betrokken op een complexe organisatie: de universiteit. Amsterdam: Siswo, november 1997

DeTombe, D.J. (1997) Landelijke bijeenkomst Informatica en Informatiekunde. Het voortgezet onderwijs als een complexe organisatie. Lunteren: De Blije Wereld, november 1997


- Tombe, de, D.J. Een aantal methodologische vragen ten aanzien van de bijdrage van socio-cybernetica aan het analyseren, sturen en beschrijven van complexe technisch bestuurskundige problemen. Workgroup socio-cybernetica Nederland, Siswo, mei 1996

DeTombe, D.J. WACRA-EUROPE/SMCP conference, 13th WACRA-EUROPE Conference on Case Method Research and Case Method Application & 2nd International Conference on Methods for Complex Societal Problems, June, 1996, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany, A new field: methods and tools for handling complex societal problems. Opening speech of the conference, June 1996

DeTombe, D.J. WACRA-EUROPE/SMCP conference, 13th WACRA-EUROPE Conference on Case Method Research and Case Method Application & 2nd International Conference on Methods for Complex Societal Problems, June, 1996,Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany, Facilitating complex technical policy problems, juni 1996

DeTombe, D. J. Ifors 96, The International Federation of Operational Research Societies, July, 1996 Vancouver, Canada special session: special session Methods and Tools for Analyzing Complex Societal Policy Problems. Estimating future development of complex situations.

DeTombe, D. J. Ifors 96, The International Federation of Operational Research Societies, July, 1996, Vancouver, Canada. Special session. group decisionsupport tool (GDSS) Supporting policy making by groupware

DeTombe D.J. ISAGA conference, The support from the field opf gaming for handling complex technical policy problems. 1996, Riga, July 1996

DeTombe methodologendag Een nieuw vakgebied voor methodologen: methoden en technieken voor het analyseren van complexe maatschappelijke problemen. Univerisiteit Utrecht, november 1996


DeTombe D.J. The use of Groupsystems V for analysing policy problems with technical aspects, Groupsystems '95 sixth annual users' conference, Ventana, Arizona, USA, maart 1995

DeTombe, D.J. Working with GDSS for analyzing technical policy problems, The first EURO GDSS Workshop, Tilburg , The Netherlands, april 1995

DeTombe, D.J. Verschillen tussen de methode Compram en andere methoden voor het analysen van complexe problemen Lezing in het kader van de cyclus beleidskunde voor AIO's en medewerkers van de Faculteit Technische Bestuurskunde, mei 1995.

DeTombe, D.J. A methodology approach for technical policy problems, Insititute Sineca, department of Human Development, Beijng, China, juni 1995.

DeTombe, D.J. The process of problem handling for technical policy problems, Beijng Normal University, Beijng, China, juni 1995

DeTombe, D.J. Co-operative Handling of Complex Interdisciplinary Societal Problems, ICOTA '95 International conference on optimization, techniques and application, Chendu, China, juni 1995.

DeTombe, D. J. Using co-operative problem handling tools for handling societal problems Euro XIV, 14th European Conference on Operational Research, 1995-20th Anniversary of Euro, Jerusalem, Israel, juli 1995.

DeTombe, D. J. Methods and tools for handling societal problems, Euro XIV, 14th European Conference on Operational Research, 1995 - 20th Anniversary of Euro, Jerusalem, Israel, juli 1995.

DeTombe D.J. Gaming and simulations as methods for analyzing complex technical policy problems, ISAGA conference 1995, Valencia, Spain, juli 1995.

DeTombe D.J. Using system dynamic modelling tools for complex technical policy problems, ISAGA conference 1995, Valencia, Spain, juli 1995.

DeTombe D.J. Het gebruik van simulatie bij het analyseren van complexe problemen. Methodologendag Nosmo Nijmegen, oktober 1995.

DeTombe D.J. Experiments with groupware for analyzing complex technical environmental policy problems, 12th International Conference on Case Method and Research and Cace Method Application: Environmental problem solving from cases and experiments to concepts, knowledge, tools (and motivation), Maribor, Slovenia, November, 1995.

DeTombe, D.J., Using the right GDSS tools on the right moment in handling complex technical policy problems The second EURO GDSS Workshop, Grenoble, France, april 1996.


DeTombe D.J. A special environment for Group Decision Making. In Group Decision Making Operational Research 36/Euro 10, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, juli 1994.

DeTombe D.J. Special Interest group Complex Interdisciplinary problems (chair), 25th Isaga conference University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, augustus 1994.

DeTombe D.J.Gaming a tool for training problem analysing, 25th Isaga conference University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, augustus 1994.

DeTombe D.J. The use of a group support room for handling problems The First International Workshop on Methods and Tools for Analysing Complex Interdisciplinary Societal Problems, University Delft Technology, The Netherlands, november 1994.

DeTombe D.J. Introduction of the theme, The First International Workshop Methods and Tools for Analysing Complex Interdisciplinary Societal Problems, University Delft Technology, The Netherlands, november 1994.

DeTombe D.J. (1994) The method COMPRAM; a method for multidisciplinary analyzing of complex interdisciplinary societal problems, The First International Workshop Methods and Tools for Analysing Complex Interdisciplinary Societal Problems, Technological University Delft, The Netherlands, november 1994.

DeTombe D.J. (1994) Using system dynamic modelling techniques for constructing scenarios of complex interdisciplinary societal problems. The First International Workshop Methods and Tools for Analysing Complex Interdisciplinary Societal Problems, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, november 1994.



DeTombe D.J. Chaos theory en de derde feministische golf? De Salon, Utrecht, maart 1993.

DeTombe D.J. A method for restructuring and forecasting compex interdisciplinary societal problems, ISAGA '93, University of Roemenia, Boekarest, Roemenie, juli 1993.

DeTombe D.J. A special environment for Group Decision Making, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, november 1993.

DeTombe D.J. Het gebruik van simulatie methoden voor het analyseren van complexe interdisciplinaire maatschappelijke problemen: de methode COMPRAM, SOMo Simulatie groep Simulatie dag, IBM- Utrecht, december 1993.


DeTombe D.J. An interdisciplinary process of problem handling for policy making on environmental problems. University of Cork, Ireland, september 1992.

DeTombe D.J. Analysing complex interdisciplinary societal problems. Universiteit van Munchen, Duitsland, oktober 1992.

DeTombe D.J. Comments on career guidance as a complex problem, Cambridge, England december 1992.


DeTombe D.J. The cooperative defining of complex societal problems. The AIDS problem. Conference of Problems of support, survival & culture, Amsterdam, OOC, University of Amsterdam, april 1991.

DeTombe D.J. Games simulations and training for problem solving. WACRA '91. World Association for Case Method research and Application, Berlin, Germany, juni 1991.

DeTombe D.J. Using a simulation tool for defining global problems. ISAGA'91; 22nd Annual International Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association, Kyoto, Japan, juli 1991.

DeTombe D.J. Using System Dynamics method for defining the Aids problem International System Dynamic Conference 1991, Bangkok, Thailand, augustus 1991.

-Tombe de , D.J. 'Chaos theory en Aids', SOMO- groep simulatie, Universiteit van Utrecht, november 1991.


DeTombe D.J. Building Management Information Systems for setting complex problems,

lecture for seminar VWF program OOC, University of Amsterdam, april 1990.

DeTombe D.J. The use of cases in a training environment for setting complex problems,

WACRA'90, University of Twente, Enschede, april 1990.

DeTombe D.J. The development of Knowledge Based Systems in the Netherlands,

Conference Tremiesna, Academy of Economics, Statistics & Informatics, Krakow, Poland, juni 1990.

DeTombe D.J. Games as a training environment for managers, ISAGA/NASAGA Conference 1990, Durham University, New Hampshire, U.S.A., July 1990.

DeTombe, D.J. Manager Training Environment for setting complex problems, International

System Dynamics Conference 1990, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A, juli 1990.

DeTombe D.J. Management en problemsolving, Second European Conference on High Ability (ECHA): High Ability in a Changing Europe, Budapest, Hungary, oktober 1990.


DeTombe D.J. Learning aspects of gaming and simulation, ISAGA conference 1989 Weimar, DDR, juli 1989.

DeTombe D.J. The qualities needed for setting complex problems, Posterdiscussie, ISAGA conference 1989, Weimar, DDR, juli 1989.

DeTombe D.J. The use of the computer in setting domain exceeded problems, The Third Earli-Conference 1989, Madrid, Spain, september 1989.

DeTombe D.J. Setting complex domain extended problems, School of Simulation and Gaming, Wegierska Gorka, Poland, september 1989.


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See for lectures of Dorien J. DeTombe


©Dorien J. DeTombe, All rights reserved, first created March 1996, update November 2016