Published articles/books by Prof. Dr Dorien DeTombe  

in yearly order from new to old

Prof. Dr. Dorien  DeTombe (MSc. Ph.D.)

Sichuan University, Chengdu, P.R. China

Founder and Chair International Research Society on Methodology of Societal Complexity,

Operational Research Euro the West-Euro, & Dutch Working Group Complex Societal Problems Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe

Tel: +31 6 26 33 42 70

多莉恩·德通教授 华人民共和国四川省成都市




DeTombe, Dorien, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber and Ulrike Reisach (Eds.) (2022) Book of Abstracts Volume 40, the 32th EURO Conference Finland Helsinki 2022 Stream Ethics in OR and Satellite Event State of the Art Operational Research EURO MSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR and Societal Complexity and Governance  Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront,  ISBN /EAN  978-90-77171-65-3


DeTombe, Dorien, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber & Cor van Dijkum (Eds.) (2022) Book of Abstracts and Papers Volume 39 3rd E-Conference Societal Complexity Operational Research EURO MSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR and Complexity Amsterdam Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront,  ISBN /EAN 978-90-77171-64-6


DeTombe, Dorien, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber and Alec Morton  (Eds.) (2021) Book of Abstracts Volume 38 Euro Conference Athens 2021, Stream Ethics in OR on Zoom Operational Research EURO MSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR and Societal Complexity and Governance Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront,  ISBN /EAN  978-90-77171-55-4    

DeTombe, Dorien, and  Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber  (Eds.) (2021) 2e E-Conference Societal Complexity Amsterdam Power points belonging to Book of Abstracts, Papers and Power PointsVolume 37b 2021 Operation Research EURO MSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront,  ISBN /EAN 978-90-77171-61-5



DeTombe, Dorien and Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber (Eds.) (2021) 2e E-Conference Societal Complexity Amsterdam Book of Abstracts, Papers and Power Points 37a 2021 Operation Research EURO MSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront,  ISBN /EAN 978-90-77171-59-2



DeTombe, Dorien & Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber  (Eds.) (2020) 1st E-Conference Societal Complexity Amsterdam Book of Abstracts and Papers Volume 36 Operational Research EURO MSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR and Complexity Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront,  ISBN /EAN 978-90-77171-58-5



DeTombe, Dorien  (2019) Handling complex societal problems illustrated by the fine dust problem. Universitas Negeri Medan, UNIMED (Medan State University)  Indonesia

Padash, Amin, Sonia Najmeddin & Dorien DeTombe (2019a) Climate Change as Wicked Problems towards Sustainable Development Iran, Tehran

Padash, Amin, Sonia Najmeddin & Dorien DeTombe (2019b) Capitalism or Social Metabolism as Wiked Problems towards Sustainable Development Iran, Tehran

DeTombe, Dorien (2019) Knowledge Institutes for Sustainable Economy. Systemic Economics, Socio-Economics Cybernetics, Soft Measurements in Economics-2019, Proceedings of the Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference 7 June 2019, Moscow, Scientific Library Publication House pp 78-79.(Russian/Englisch)



Dorien DeTombe and  Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber  (Eds.) (2018) Book of Abstracts OR and Ethics and Societal Complexity 29th EURO Conference Operational Research Valencia, Spain, Europe 2018 Operational Research EURO MSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR and Societal Complexity Volume 35 Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront,  ISBN /EAN  978-90-77171-55-4    




DeTombe, Dorien  (2017a) Complex societal agriculture problems, in Journal of Food Processing & Technology. March 2017. Volume 8, Issue 1. ISSN: 2157-7110

DeTombe, Dorien (2017b) Societal problems more complex than presumed: the Compram Methodology. J Syst Sci Syst Eng Beijng, China ISSN: 1004-3756 (Paper) 1861-9576 (Online) DOI: CN11-2983/N

A.I. Arsenashvili, D. DeTombe. (2017) "Variable structure optimal control problem with delay and its application in Compram methodology; a discussion. Kazan University Lyudmila Kuzmina (Ed.) Вып. 1(48), том 2, 2017 МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ НЕЛИНЕЙНЫХ АНАЛИТИКОВ АКАДЕМИЯ НЕЛИНЕЙНЫХ НАУК ISSN 1727-687X. Int.J." Problems of nonlinear analysis in engineering systems",  No.2(48),v.23, 2017, pp. 85-95 (in English); pp. 96-106 (in Russian): (А.И. Арсенашвили, Д. Де Томбэ. (2017)  Задача оптимального управления переменной структурой с запаздыванием )


Dorien DeTombe, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber  and Semih. Kuter (Eds.) (2017) Societal Complexity, Data Mining and Gaming . State-of-the-Art 2017. Amsterdam: Greenhill & Waterfront, Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America: Canada Montreal ISBN /EAN  978-90-77171-54-7. December 2017

DeTombe, Dorien (2017c) Knowledge Institute for Global Safety (KIGS). Scientific Research and Support Institute for Handling Global Safety. Moldavia: University of Moldavia reprint in Dorien DeTombe, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber  and Semih. Kuter (Eds.) (2017) Societal Complexity, Data Mining and Gaming . State-of-the-Art 2017. Amsterdam: Greenhill & Waterfront, Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America: Canada Montreal ISBN /EAN  978-90-77171-54-7. December 2017

DeTombe, Dorien (2017d) The position of women in life: a complex societal problem. Iran, Tehran in Dorien DeTombe, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber  and Semih. Kuter (Eds.) (2017) Societal Complexity, Data Mining and Gaming . State-of-the-Art 2017. Amsterdam: Greenhill & Waterfront, Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America: Canada Montreal ISBN /EAN  978-90-77171-54-7. December 2017



Brugha, Cathal, Dorien DeTombe, Erik Kropat, Pierre Kunsck and  Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber  (Eds.) (2016)  Book of Abstracts OR and Ethics 28th EURO Conference Operational Research Poznan 2016 Operational Research EURO MSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR Volume 32 Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront,  ISBN /EAN  978-90-77171-51-6 Book of Absract OR and Ethics Volum 32 Poznan 2016




DeTombe, Dorien (2016a) Обучающие игры для методологии COMPRAM in Сборник трудов по материалам IIIМеждународной научно-практической Интернет-конференции Инновационные технологии в современном образовании Датапроведения 18декабря 2015 г. Proceedings of The Third International Scientific Internet-Conference Innovative Technologies In Modern Education. Moskow, Russia, December 18th 2015, pp 199- 208. И66 Инновационные технологии в современном образовании//Сборник трудов по материалам III Международной научно-практической  Интернет-конференции 18 декабря 2015 г..–М.: Издательство «Научный консультант», 2016.– 784с. ISBN 978-5-9907976-9-7 © Коллектив авторов, 2016 © «Технологический университет», 2016 © Оформление. ООО «Научный консультант», 2016.


DeTombe, Dorien  (Editor) (2016b) Book of Abstracts of the 28th Euro Conference of Operational Research Poznan 2016 Euro Working Group Methodology of Societal Complexity (MSC) Volume 33 ã Greenhill & Waterfront, Dorien J. DeTombe Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront, ISBN/EAN  978-90-77171-52-3 Book of Abstract Methodology of Societal Complexity Volume 33 Poznan 2016

DeTombe, Dorien, (2016c) Systems Theory and Systems Analysis  as a Support for Analysing Complex Societal Problems: Using the Compram Methodology. pp. 15-16. In Systemic Analysis  In Economics – 2016 Proceedings of the IV International Research  Conference–Biennale 9–11 November 2016 Volume 1 Moscow Russia



DeTombe, Dorien (2016d) Develop not only the Economy. EWG ORD 2016 Workshop. June, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland. Speech abstract. p.7


DeTombe, Dorien Cathal Brugha, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber (Eds.) (2016) Book of Abstracts State of the Art Workshop of the 28th EURO Conference Operational Research Poznan 2016 Operational Research EURO MSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR Volume 31 Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront,  ISBN /EAN  978-90-77171-50-9 Book of Abstract Volume 31 State of the Art Poznan 2016



DeTombe, Dorien (2015a) Handling Societal Complexity. A Study of the Theory and the Methodology of Societal Complexity and the COMPRAM Methodology. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. ISBN /EAN  978-3-662-43916-6.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2015b) Using the Seven-Layer Communication Model of the Compram Methodology for communication about Complex Societal Policy Problems. Connecting Groupware Groupsystems V with the Conceptual Modeling Software Cope. Moldavia: University of Moldavia.

DeTombe, Dorien (Ed.) (2015c)  Book of Abstracts Volume 30 of the 27th Euro Conference of Operational Research Glasgow 2015 Euro Working Group Methodology of Societal Complexity (MSC) Greenhill & Waterfront: The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront,   ISBN/EAN  978-90-77171-49-3 Nur 916.

Bulz, Nicolae & DeTombe, Dorien (2015) An incursion into the field of Boethian scholarship through the contemporary expertise in the representation and the complex societal problems solving (Compram) Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge, Vol. 1.  No. 5, 2015

DeTombe, Dorien and Gerhard-Wilhelm (Willi) Weber (2015) An Emerging Field in Operational Research: Methodology of Societal Complexity-  with a Note on Operational Research and Development Kazan University Lyudmila Kuzmina (Ed.) Вып. 1(43), том 21, 2015 МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ НЕЛИНЕЙНЫХ АНАЛИТИКОВ АКАДЕМИЯ НЕЛИНЕЙНЫХ НАУК ISSN 1727-687X.

DeTombe, Dorien J. & J. Tolordava (2015) Learning to handle complex societal problems. Moldavia: University of Moldavia.

Reisach, Ulrike, Dorien DeTombe & Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber (2015) CEJOR  DOI 10.1007/s10100-015-0433-4  EDITORIAL ISSN 1435-246X Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.



DeTombe, Dorien J. (2014a) De Rooms Katholieke Kerk als een complex maatschappelijk probleem. VanDijkum, C. J. & Louis Taveccio (Eds.) Praktijkonderzoek in ontwikkeling. Den Haag: Boom - Lemma.

DeTombe, Dorien J.  (2014b) War time rape as a complex societal problem; using the Compram Methodology. In VanDijkum, C. & Dorien DeTombe (Eds.) (2014) International Scientific Journal of Methods and Models of Complexity (ISJ M&MC) Interdisciplinary Journal for Research of Complexity. Published on Internet. Amsterdam: Siswo. July 2014 ISSN- 0928-3137.

DeTombe, Dorien J.  (2014c) Kompleqsuri sazogadoebrivi problemebis gadaWra. Scientific and practical Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University – “Economics and Business” 1, January-February, 2014 Georgia Translated article.

DeTombe, D.J. (Ed.) (2014d) Book of Abstracts of the 10th IFORS Conference of Operational Research Barcelona 2014, Euro Working Group Methodology of Societal Complexity (MSC), Volume 28, Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront. ISBN /EAN  978-90-77171-47-9.

Dorien DeTombe & VanDijkum, C. (Eds.) (2014) Introduction International Scientific Journal of Methods and Models of Complexity (ISJ M&MC)   Editorial Introduction Interdisciplinary Journal for Research of Complexity. Volume 12, 2014 Published on Internet. Amsterdam: Siswo. July 2014 ISSN- 0928-3137.

DeTombe, Dorien  &  Cor van Dijkum (2014) Sustainable energy as a complex societal problem using the Compram Methodology. International Scientific Journal of Methods and Models of Complexity (ISJ M&MC) Interdisciplinary Journal for Research of Complexity. Published on Internet. Amsterdam: Siswo. July 2014 ISSN- 0928-3137.

DeTombe, Dorien, Cathal Brugha, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber & Fred Wenstøp (Eds.) (2014) Book of Abstracts of State of the Art Workshop Barcelona 2014. EUROMSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR, Volume 29. Greenhill & Waterfront, Europe: Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Guilford, UK North-America: Montreal, Canada ISBN /EAN  978-90-77171-48-6

Yusuf, I. & Dorien J. DeTombe (2014) Compram a Powerful Tool for Complex Societal Problems. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Business Management Sukkur Pakistan. Pakistan: Sukkur. ISBN 978-969-9978-01-2

Reisach U., DeTombe D. & Weber W. (2014) International Aspects of OR History and Education. Bridging OR’s Past and Future from a Global Perspective at IFORS 2014 in Barcelona Ifors Newsletter December 2014

DeTombe, Dorien, & Jeanne Tolordava (2014) Utilizarea Metodelor De Situaţii Concrete, Economie Experimentală Şi De Formare În Manipularea Problemelor Complexe (The Case-Based Training And Experimental Economic Practices In Handling Complex Problem) (language English) Revista Sitiintifico Nr3/2-14 Institutul de Relatii Internationale din Moldava


DeTombe, Dorien  J. (2013a) How To Handle Societal Complexity. In Kyamakya, K.; Halang, W.A.; Mathis, W.; Chedjou, J.C.; Li, Z. (Eds.) Selected Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics and Theoretical Electrical Engineering Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 483  2013, XXII, 476 p. 207 illus page 227-244

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2013b) A multidisciplinary approach of the healthcare system Tengiz healthcare. In Tolordava, J., DeTombe, D.J., Kavtaradze, D., Panizzi, G., Rizzi, P. & Leigh, F. (Eds.) International Experence in Simulation Modeling: Economics and Business, Ecology, Sociology. Tiblisi: Tiblisi State University Press.

DeTombe, D.J. (2013c) Special groups support session on the operationalizing of the Kosten index of the noise pollution on Schiphol ‘Voldoet de Kosten maat nog”, February 1998 TuDelft. A discussion with experts with the Ministry of Een discussie met experts o.l.v. Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, VROM, and TuDelft. Amsterdam: Greenhill & Waterfront ISBN 978-90-77171-44-8.

DeTombe, D.J. Cor van Dijkum & Brian Castellani (Eds.) (2013) Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Conference on Social Science Methodology Euro Working Group Methodology of Societal Complexity Volume 25 Greenhill & Waterfront: Europe: Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Guilford, UK North-America: Montreal, Canada ISBN /EAN  978-90-77171-40-0

DeTombe, D.J. (Ed.) (2013d) Book of Abstracts of the 26th European Conference on Operational Research Rome 2013, Euro Working Group Methodology of Societal Complexity, Volume 26, Greenhill & Waterfront, Europe: Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Guilford, UK North America: Montreal, Canada. ISBN /EAN  978-90-77171-41-7.

DeTombe, Dorien, Cathal Brugha, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber & Fred Wenstøp (Eds.) (2013) Book of Abstracts of State of the Art Workshop Rome 2013.EURO MSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR. Volume 27. Greenhill & Waterfront, Europe: Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Guilford, UK North-America: Montreal, Canada ISBN /EAN  978-90-77 171-42-4

Tolordava, J., DeTombe, D.J., Kavtaradze, D., Panizzi, G., Rizzi, P. & Leigh, F. (Eds.) (2013) International Experience in Simulation Modeling: Economics and Business, Ecology, Sociology. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State University Press.

Leopold-Wildburger, U., Dargam, F., Pickl, S., DeTombe, D.J., Pla, L, Liu, S., Hernandez, J., Delibasic, B., Ribeiro, R. & Zarate, P. (2013) Collaborative Decision systems in Economics and in Complex Societal and Environmental Applications. Proceedings of the EURO Mini-Conference Graz-2013. Graz: EURO.


DeTombe, Dorien J. (2012a) The use of cases for training handling complex problems. In International experience in simulation: economics and business, ecology, sociology. J. Tolordava, D. DeTombe, D. Kavtaradze, J. Panizzi, and Angelis. Chapter two p.93 - 123.Tbilisi, Georgia: Council of the Economics and Business Faculty of the Tbilisi Ivana Javakhishvili State University ISBN 978 9941 9130 75.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2012b) Early expert systems: replacement of human problem solving? J. Tolordava Tbilisi, Georgia: Council of the Economics and Business Faculty of the Tbilisi Ivana Javakhishvili State University ISBN 978 9941 9130.

DeTombe, Dorien (Ed.) (2012) Book of abstracts of the 25th European Conference on Operational Research Vilnius 2012 Euro Working Group Methodology of Societal Complexity Volume 23 Greenhill & Waterfront: Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America: Canada Montreal.

DeTombe, Dorien, Cathal Brugha, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber & Fred Wenstøp (Eds.) (2012) Book of abstracts of State of the Art Societal Complexity Vilnius 2012, Round Table DiscussionOperational Research EUROMSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR Volume 24 Greenhill & Waterfront: Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam; UK, Guilford; North-America: Canada Montreal


DeTombe, Dorien J. (2011) The actors of the credit crisis reflected by the Compram Methodology, CEJOR DOI 10.1007/s10100-011-0215-6, Springer-Verlag 2011online. Paper version 2013.



DeTombe, Dorien J. (2010) Global Safety. Pesquisa Operacional, v.30, n.2, p.387-404, Maio a Agosto de 2010, versão impressa ISSN 0101-7438 / versão online ISSN 1678-514.

DeTombe, Dorien, Cathal Brugha, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Fred Wenstøp (Eds.) Book of Abstracts of  State of the Art Workshop LISBON 2010 Operational Research EUROMSC / EURO MCDA / EUROPT / EURO ORD / Ethics and OR  Volume 22 Publisher: Greenhill & Waterfront, Europe: Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Guilford, UK North-America: Montreal, Canada  ISBN /EAN  978-90-77171-34-9 Version 001, 16 pages, July 2010

DeTombe, Dorien (Ed.) (2010) Book of Abstracts of Methodology of Societal Complexity:Global Safety& Sustainable Development & Healthcare Volume 21  Europe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Guilford, UK, North-America: Montreal, Canada : Greenhill & Waterfront, ISBN /EAN  978-90-77171-33-2, Version 001, 40  pages, July 201, Nur 916, Language English (Book of Abstracts of the Participants of Methodology of Societal Complexity of Euro XXIV of Operational Research Lisbon 2010, Methodology of Societal Complexity)           

Mochman Ingvil C., Tombe De Dorien J. (2010) The Compram Methodology and Complex Societal Problems-An Analysis of the Case of Children Born of War Organizacija. Journal of Management, Informatics and Human Resources
year: 2010, vol: 43, number: 3, pages: 113-123


DeTombe, Dorien J. (2009) Terrorist Attacks as a Social Problem in Transportation Security Against Terrorism. Mete Tahmisoğlu & Cinar Özen (Eds.) IOS Press: Amsterdam, Berlin , Tokyo , Washington DC. ISSN 1874-6276.

Dorien DeTombe & Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber (Editors) State of the Art Workshop Societal Complexity 2009 EURO XXIII Conference Bonn Germany Europe July 5 2009  23 European Conference on Operational Research Volume 20 Greenhill & Waterfront, Europe: Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Guilford, UK North-America: Montreal, Canada ISBN /EAN  9789077171301



DeTombe, Dorien (2008a) Towards Sustainable Development: A Complex Process in International Journal on Environment and Sustainable Development.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2008b) The complexity of economics and democracy. Intelektine Ekonomika. Intellectual Economics, 2008, no.1(3), p.73-81, ISSN 1822-8011 (print), ISSN 1822-8038 (0nline).

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2008c) Climate change: a complex societal process; analysing a problem according to the Compram methodology. Journal of Transformation & Social Change, 5.3, pp.235-266, doi:10.1386/jots5.3.235/1.

Weber Gerhard-Wilhelm & Dorien DeTombe (Eds.) (2008) Complex Societal Problems, Sustainable Living and Development. IAM, METU,  Ankara,  May 13-16,  2008  Volume 19 Amsterdam Greenhill & Waterfront

Dorien DeTombe & Rosanna Memoli (Eds.) (2008) Methodology of Societal Complexity: Global Safety & Sustainable Development & Healthcare 7th International Conference on Social Science methodology, Campus di Monte Sant’ Angele Naples Italy Europe, RC33 September  1-5, 2008 Volume 17 Amsterdam Europe: The Netherlands; Guilford, UK North-America: Montreal, Canada: Greenhill & Waterfront


DeTombe, Dorien (2007) Global Safety & Sustainable Development & Healthcare Methodology of Complex Societal Issues  Book of abstracts, Volume 16. Europe, The Netherlands, Amsterdam, UK, Guilford; North-America, Canada, Montreal: Greenhill & Waterfront, ISBN  978-90-77171-21-9, Version 001, 24 pages, May 2007, Nugi 661, 652, 654 , Language English EURO XXII 22th European Conference on Operational Research Europe, Czech Republic, Prague, July 8-11, 2007.

DeTombe, Dorien & VanDijkum, C. (Eds.) (2007) Editorial Introduction to Societal Complexity, Chaos Theory and Legal Problem Solving. International Scientific Journal of Methods and Models of Complexity (ISJ M&MC) An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research of Complexity. A continuation of the Dutch Journal Tijdschrift voor Informatica en Modelbouw. Published on Internet by SISWO, Amsterdam: Siswo. July 2007 ISSN- 0928-3137.

Muntjewerff, Antoinette & Dorien DeTombe (2007) An Instructional Environment for Learning to Construct a Case Description: e-See. In VanDijkum, C. & Dorien DeTombe (Eds.) (2007) Introduction: on Terrorism. International Scientific Journal of Methods and Models of Complexity (ISJ M&MC) An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research of Complexity. A continuation of the Dutch Journal Tijdschrift voor Informatica en Modelbouw. Published on Internet by SISWO, Amsterdam: Siswo. July 2007 ISSN- 0928-3137.


DeTombe, Dorien (2006a) The concept of societal complexity: complexity of Health Referral Systems and some examples: looking at healthcare system as part of the society, Ankara: Middle East Technical University.

DeTombe, Dorien (Ed.) (2006b) Aids, societal complexity and simulation. Presentations of Durban conference session rc33 Volume 15.  Europe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ; Guilford , UK , North-America : Montreal , Canada : Greenhill & Waterfront, ISBN  978-90-77171-20-2 , Version 001, 18 pages, March 2006 , Nugi 661, 652, 654, Language English

DeTombe, Dorien  (2006c) Complex Societal Issues: Global Safety & Sustainable Development , EURO XXI in Iceland July 2-5, 2006  21st European Conference on Operational Research.Volume 14.  Europe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ; Guilford , UK , North-America : Montreal , Canada : Greenhill & Waterfront, ISBN  90-771-71-19, Version 001, 19 pages, March 2006, Nugi 661, 652, 654.

Muntjewerff A.J. & D.J. DeTombe (2006). Rechtstheoretici in beeld. Gesprekken met rechtstheoretici. Videoregistratie, fragmenten en ontwerp instructieomgeving. Amsterdam, Greenhill & Watefront. ISBN 978-90-77171-45-5.


Van Dijkum, Cor, Dorien DeTombe, Gerhard van der Bunt, Han Oud (Eds.) (2005) Methodologendag 25 November 2005 (Abstracts) On scientific methodology, (English-Dutch) Social-Scientific Research Amsterdam, Siswo, 59 pp.

DeTombe (2005) Working group report of 2004 of the Working Group Methodology for Complex Societal  Problems, in Chris Potts (Ed.) Working groups, Special Issue devoted to the EURO Working Groups 2004 Activity Report   Euro office, Brussels, pp. 39-46.

Súilleabhain, Micheál Ó, Elmar A. Stuhler & Dorien J. DeTombe, Research on Cases and Theory , volume 9, (2005) Elmar A. Stuhler, Jacov Beltschikov, Edgars Vasermans, Micheál Ó Súilleabhain,(Eds.) Linking Practice with Scientifically-Oriented Approaches Towards a Sustainable Future: A Basis for Reflection, Munchen/Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag ISBN 3-87988-516 -8; ISSN 0940-2829.


DeTombe, Dorien (2004) Causality in Complexity Proceedings of the RC33 Sixth International Conference on  Social Science Methodology, cd,, Siswo: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe                                                                              

Gökmen, Ali, Sinan Kayalgil, Gerhard-W. Weber,, Inci Gökmen, Mehmet Ecevit,, Akn Sürmeli, Taylan Bali, Yldz Ecevit, Haluk Gökmen, Dorien J. DeTombe (2004) Balaban Valley Project: Improving the Quality of Life in Rural Area in Turkey in International Scientific Journal of Methods and Models of Complexity International Scientific Journal of Methods and Models of Complexity (ISJ M&MC) An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research of Complexity. Published on Internet by SISWO, Amsterdam: Siswo. July 2004 ISSN- 0928-3137

Muntjewerff, A.J. & D.J. DeTombe (2004). A Generic Environment for Integrating Streaming Video in Legal Education e-See. In Proceedings World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. Charlottesville, VA: AACE, pp. 527-532

Súilleabhain, Micheál Ó, Elmar A. Stuhler & Dorien J. DeTombe (2004) Research on Cases and Theory , volume 11, Josef Baum (Ed.) Die Entwicklung lokaler  Nachhaltigkeit am Beispiel der Region Kautzen in Niederösterreich.  Bedingungen, Erfolge und Probleme beim einschlagen des Weges einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung Munchen/Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag ISBN 3-87988-871 -X; ISSN 0940-2829.

VanDijkum, C. & Dorien DeTombe (Eds.) (2004) Introduction: on Terrorism. International Scientific Journal of Methods and Models of Complexity (ISJ M&MC) An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research of Complexity. A continuation of the Dutch Journal Tijdschrift voor Informatica en Modelbouw. Volume 7. Published on Internet by SISWO, Amsterdam: Siswo. July 2004 ISSN- 0928-3137.


DeTombe, Dorien (2003a) Evaluating Changes in Large Cities Proceedings of the HCP'2003: Human Centred Processes Distributed Decision Making And Man-Machine Cooperation, Luxembourg, Europe, May 5-7 2003,  

DeTombe, Dorien (2003b) Evaluating projects in Large Cities. EURO/INFORMS, Istanbul,Turkey  July 2003 See  DeTombe, Dorien (Ed.) (2003)  Complex Societal Problems,Volume 12 ( Book of Abstracts) , Amsterdam : Greenhill & Waterfront, Europe: Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Guilford, UK , America: Montreal, Canada ISBN  90-771-71-05- NUGI 661, 652, 659, 852.

DeTombe, Dorien (2003c) Handling Complex Societal Problems (Applied on the Aids/HIV Problem) In Henk Becker & Frank Vanclay International Handbook of Social Impact Assessment Conceptual and Methodological Advances Edward Elgar Publishers 2003 ISBN 1 84064 935 6, pp. 296-315.

DeTombe, Dorien (Ed.) (2003d)  Complex Societal Problems,Volume 12 (Book of Abstracts) EURO/INFORMS, Istanbul,Turkey 2003, Amsterdam : Greenhill & Waterfront, Europe: Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Guilford, UK , America: Montreal, Canada ISBN  90-771-71-05- NUGI 661, 652, 659, 852 14 pages.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2003e) Ethical aspects in the Compram method, a method for handling complex societal problems. Special Focus Symposium on Cognitive, Emotive and Ethical Aspects of Decision Making in Humans and in AI at theInterSymp-2003 15th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, July 28 to August 2, 2003, Baden-Baden, Germany.

Van Dijkum, Cor, Henk Kleijer, Dorien DeTombe, Gerhard van der Bunt (Eds.) (2003) Methodologendag 21 November 2003 (Abstracts) "State of the Art & Science" of the Social-Scientific Research Amsterdam, Siswo, 40 pages.


DeTombe, Dorien (Ed.) (2002) Complexity as a Challenge, Book of Abstracts, IFORS 2002 , Edinburgh, UK, Volume 11 Amsterdam : Greenhill & Waterfront, Europe: Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Guilford, UK , America: Montreal, Canada  ISBN 90-77171-03-7    NUGI 661, 652, 659, 852.

VanDijkum, C. & Dorien DeTombe (Eds.) (2002) Introduction: Special on Chaos Theory International Scientific Journal of Methods and Models of Complexity (ISJ M&MC) An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research of Complexity. A continuation of the Dutch Journal Tijdschrift voor Informatica en Modelbouw. Published on Internet by SISWO, Amsterdam: Siswo. June 2002 ISSN- 0928-3137.

Súilleabhain, Micheál Ó, Elmar A. Stuhler & Dorien J. DeTombe, Research on Cases and Theory , volume 8, (2002) Munchen/Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag ISBN 3-87988-; ISSN 0940-2829.


DeTombe, Dorien J. (2001a) Compram, a Method for Handling Complex Societal Problems In DeTombe, Dorien J. (Guest Editor) Feature Issue: Complex Societal Problems, European Journal of Operation Research; D.J. Slowinski, R. Teghem, J. Wallenius, J. (Eds). Vol. 128-2, January 16, 2001, Elsevier, North-Holland, Amsterdam, ISSN 0377-2217,, pp. 266-282.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2001b) (Ed.). Complexity as a Challenge Book of Abstracts, Volume 9. EURO 2001. Pp.38. Delft: Delft University of Technology. ISBN 90-5638-080-X.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2001c) (Ed.) Handling Complex Societal Problems. Book of Abstracts, Volume 10. Pp.18, EUROSIM2001. Delft: Delft University of Technology. ISBN 90-5638-081-8.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (Guest Editor) (2001d) Feature Issue: Complex Societal Problems, European Journal of Operation Research; D.J. Slowinski, R. Teghem, J. Wallenius, J. (Eds). Vol. 128-2, January 16, 2001, Elsevier, North-Holland, Amsterdam, ISSN 0377-2217,, pp. 227-401.

DeTombe, Dorien J. ( 2001e) Introduction to the field of Methodology for Handling Complex Societal Problem in DeTombe, Dorien J. (Guest Editor) Feature Issue: Complex Societal Problems, European Journal of Operation Research; D.J. Slowinski, R. Teghem, J. Wallenius, J. (Eds). Vol. 128-2, January 16, 2001, Elsevier, North-Holland, Amsterdam, ISSN 0377-2217,, pp. 231-232.

DeTombe, Dorien J. ( 2001f) Editorial: Methodology for Handling Complex Societal Problems In DeTombe, Dorien J. (Guest Editor) Feature Issue: Complex Societal Problems, European Journal of Operation Research; D.J. Slowinski, R. Teghem, J. Wallenius, J. (Eds). Vol. 128-2, January 16, 2001, Elsevier, North-Holland, Amsterdam, ISSN 0377-2217,, pp. 227-230.

DeTombe, D.  (2001g)  Agro-Industry  as  an  Example  of  a  Complex  Societal  Problem.  The BSE-Problem, Amsterdam: Greenhill & Waterfront.


DeTombe, Dorien J. (2001h) Compram a policy making method for prevention of floods. Proceedings Tiems Conference 2001, Orlando, Florida.

Súilleabhain, Micheál Ó, Elmar A. Stuhler & Dorien J. DeTombe, (2001) Research on Cases and Theory , volume 10, (2001) Micheál Ó Súilleabhain (Ed.), Part 1: Stimulating and Managing Change Towards a Sustainable Future in an Integrated Europe, Munchen/Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag ISBN 3-87988-601-6; ISSN 0940-2829


DeTombe, Dorien J. (2000a) Anticipating And Avoiding Opposition In Large Technological Projects In International Journal Of Technology Management (IJTM) Guest Editor prof. Giampiero Beroggi M.A.Dorgham ( Editor in Chief) Volume 19 Nos 3/4/5, pp. 301-312. ISSN 0267-5730.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2000b) Testing methods for complex real life problems. Blasius, J, J. Hox, E. de Leeuw & P. Schmidt (Eds.) Social Science methodology in the New Millennium. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology, Cologne, Germany, T-T publications. ISBN 90-801073-8-7, P110101, pp. 1-14.

DeTombe, Dorien J.  (2000c) Validation of scientific research of complex societal problems for policy use February 2000 International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2000d) A New Method for Handling Complex Spatial Problems, A. Reggiani (Ed.) Spatial Economic Science. New Frontiers in Theory and Methodology. Advances in Spatial Science, pp. 212-240, Springer-Verlag, Berlin ISBN 3-540-67493-4.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2000e) Compram a policy making method for prevention of floods, Proceedings TIEMS 2000 Conference.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2000f) Non-linear Moments in Technological Development. Some Methodological Issues. In Elmar A. Stuhler & Marjan Vezjak (Eds.), Sustainable Development: The Role of the Universities. Research on Cases and Theories. Volume 7. Munchen/Mering: Hampp Verlag, pp. 79-91, ISSN 0940-2829.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2000g) (Ed.) 5th International Conference on Social Science Methodology. RC33 Methodology for Handling Complex Societal Problems. Book of Abstracts, Volume 8. Pp.18 .Delft: Delft University of Technology. ISBN 90-5638-0516.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2000h) (Ed.) E U R O XVII, E U R O 2000 Methodology for Handling Complex Societal Problems. Book of Abstracts, Volume 7. Euro Working Group 21. Pp.31, .Delft: Delft University of Technology. ISBN 90-5638-0524.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2000j) Methodology for Handling Complex Societal Problems. Bulletin de  Méthodologie Sociologique, October 2000 nr 68-p.51.


Súilleabhain, Micheál Ó, Elmar A. Stuhler & Dorien J. DeTombe, Research on Cases and Theory , volume 7, (2000) Elmar A. Stuhler & Marjan Vezjak (Eds.), Sustainable Development: The Role of the Universities. Munchen/Mering: Hampp Verlag, pp. 79-91, ISBN 3-87988-477-1; ISSN 0940-2829.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2000i) Methodology for Handling Complex Societal Problems: a new branch of the OR tree: the field, the researchers and the Compram Method, Proceedings Euro XV, Budapest.


DeTombe, D.J (1999a) Compram: a methodology for handling complex societal problems ETH, auDes Conference Zurich, Internet.

DeTombe, D.J (1999b) Validation of scientific research of complex societal problems for policy use. Thiems’99.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (1999c) A new field: methods and tools for handling complex societal problems. In DeTombe, D.J. & Stuhler, E. (Eds.) Volume 6, Complex Problem Solving; Methodological Support for Societal Policy Making, Research on Cases and Theories. Munchen/Mering: Hampp Verlag, 1-19. ISBN 3-87988-356 -6; ISSN 0940-2829.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (1999d) Facilitating complex technical policy problems .In Stuhler, E. & D.J. DeTombe (Eds.) Volume 5, Cognitive Psychological Issues and Environment Policy Application, Research on Cases and Theories. Munchen/Mering: Hampp Verlag, pp.119-127. ISBN 3-87988-355 -6; ISSN 0940-2829.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (1999e) IFORS’99. Methodology For Analyzing Complex Societal Problems, Euro Working Group 2, Operational Research Societies, Book of Abstracts, Volume 6. Pp.18 .Delft: Delft University of Technology. ISBN90-5638-039-7.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (1999f) Moments of support by a groupware brainstorming tool in handling complex technical policy problems, session Group Decision Making, European Journal of Operational Research, 119 pp. 267 - 281. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (1999g) Outside validity of research of complex societal problems. In Van Dijkum, DeTombe & Van Kuijk (Eds.) Validation, Siswo Amsterdam.

Dijkum van, Cor, Dorien DeTombe & Etzel van Kuijck (Eds) (1999a) Validation of simulation models. Amsterdam: Siswo, ISBN 90 676 152 -2.

Dijkum van, DeTombe & Van Kuijk (1999b) Introduction. In Van Dijkum, DeTombe & Van Kuijk (Eds.) Validation, Siswo Amsterdam.

Stuhler, E. & D.J. DeTombe (Eds.) (1999a) Volume 5, Cognitive Psychological Issues and Environment Policy Application, Research on Cases and Theories. Munchen/Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag ISBN 3-87988-355 -6; ISSN 0940-2829.

Stuhler, E. & DeTombe, Dorien J. (1999b) Introduction. In Stuhler, E. & Dorien J. DeTombe (Eds.) Volume 5, Cognitive Psychological Issues and Environment Policy Application, Research on Cases and Theories. Munchen/Mering: Hampp Verlag, pp.7-12. ISBN 3-87988-355 -6; ISSN 0940-2829.

DeTombe, D.J. & Stuhler, E. (Eds.) (1999c) Volume 6, Complex Problem Solving; Methodological Support for Societal Policy Making, Research on Cases and Theories. Munchen/Mering: Hampp Verlag ISBN 3-87988-356 -4; ISSN 0940-2829; http://www.buch-shop

DeTombe, Dorien J & Stuhler, E. (1999d) Introduction In DeTombe, D.J. & Stuhler, E. (Eds.) Volume 6, Complex Problem Solving; Methodological Support for Societal Policy Making, Research on Cases and Theories. Munchen/Mering: Hampp Verlag, pp.7-9. ISBN 3-87988-356 -6; ISSN 0940-2829.

Súilleabhain, Micheál Ó, Elmar A. Stuhler & Dorien J. DeTombe (1999a) Research on Cases and Theory , volume 5, Stuhler, E. & D.J. DeTombe (Eds.)  Volume 5, Cognitive Psychological Issues and Environment Policy Application, Munchen/Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag ISBN 3-87988-355 -6; ISSN 0940-2829.

Súilleabhain, Micheál Ó, Elmar A. Stuhler & Dorien J. DeTombe (1999b) Research on Cases and Theory , volume 6, DeTombe, D.J. & Stuhler, E. (Eds.) Volume 6, Complex Problem Solving; Methodological Support for Societal Policy Making,  Munchen/Mering: Hampp Verlag ISBN 3-87988-356 -4; ISSN 0940-2829; http://www.buch-shop-.


DeTombe, D. J. (1998a). System Dynamic Modeling as a Central Part of Modeling Complex Societal Problems. 16th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Quebec '98, Quebec City, Canada, System Dynamics Society.

DeTombe, D.J. (1998b) A methodology for complex societal problems, The 38th European regional Science Association, Vienna, August 1998, proceedings, cd-rom 6 pages.

DeTombe, D.J. (1998c) (Ed.) Methodology for Analyzing Societal Problems. Euro XVI Brussels. Volume 5. Delft: Delft University of Technology, 20 pp.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (1998d) Validity of simulation models for handling Complex Technical Policy Problems, Simulation in Industry. Nottingham UK, proceedings

DeTombe, D.J. (1998e) Special groups support session on the operationalizing of the Kosten index of the noise pollution on Schiphol ‘Voldoet de Kosten maat nog”, February 1998 TuDelft. A discussion with experts with the Ministry of Een discussie met experts o.l.v. Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, VROM, and TuDelft. Published in 2013 Amsterdam: Greenhill & Waterfront. ISBN 978-90-77171-44-8.

DeTombe, Dorien J. & C. van Dijkum (1998) (Ed.) Socio-cybernetics - Methodology for complex societal problem and socio-cybernetic concepts 14th International Sociology Conference in Special Session Using Socio-Cybernetica Concepts for Analysing Complex Societal Problems Montreal, Volume 4. Canada, Delft: Delft University of Technology.

DeTombe, Dorien J. & Rosendaal, B. (1998) Cooperative and Interactive policy making.: Geurts, J, C. Joldersma & E. Roelofs (Eds) Gaming/ Simualtion for Policy Development and Organizational Change. Tilburg University Press, ISBN 90-361-9879-8.


DeTombe, D.J. (1997a) An integral approach for sustainable development of technical policy problems, in Elohimjl, Francisco Parra-Luna, Elmar A. Stuhler (Eds.) Sustainable Development: Towards measuring of the performance of integrated socioeconomic and environmental systems , Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Wacra Europe, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.

DeTombe, D. J. (1997b) Compram a method for collectively problem handling, Nederlandse Onderzoekschool Vrouwenstudies, in Cultural Identities in a Pluralist Society, Miniconference, April 28-29, 1997 Amsterdam. Siswo: Amsterdam , 3 pp.

DeTombe D. J. (1997c) Experiments with groupware for analyzing complex technical environmental policy problems In Vezjak, M, E.A. Stuhler & M. Mulej (Eds.) Environmental Problem Solving. From Cases and Experiments to Concepts, Knowledge, Tools and motivation. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Case Method and Research and Case Method Application. Munchen/ Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag ISBN 3-87988-259-2.

DeTombe, D. J. (1997d) (Ed.) Methodology for Analyzing Societal Problems. Euro XV & Informs XXXIV, Barcelona, July 1997. Volume 3. Delft: Delft University of Technology, 20 pp.

DeTombe,  D.J. (1997f) Een aantal methodologische vragen ten aanzien van de bijdrage van socio-cybernetica aan het analyseren, sturen en beschrijven van complexe technisch bestuurskundige problemen. Tijdschrift voor modelbouw en informatica, Siswo Amsterdam, 96 1-4, 97 1-2.


DeTombe, D.J. (1996a) Compram, a method for analysing complex interdisciplinary societal problems, in Dorien J. DeTombe & Cor van Dijkum (Eds.) Analyzing Societal Problems. Mering: Hampp Verlag, pp.7-29. ISBN 3-87988-189-8.

DeTombe, D.J. (1996b) Developing problem solving skills. D. Dehn & A.J. Cropley (Eds) Developing gifts and talents: European perspectives. Ablex Publishers (republication of an article from 1991).

DeTombe, D. J. (1996c) Samenwerken op afstand, een review, Tijdschrift voor informatie en informatiebeleid, jrg. 14 -1, pp. 87 - 89.

DeTombe, D.J. (Ed.) (1996d) Ifors ‘96, The International Federation of Operational Research Societies, July, 1996 Vancouver, Canada. Special Session Methods and Tools for Analyzing Complex Societal Policy Problems. Volume 1 Delft: Delft University of Technology.

DeTombe, Dorien J. (1996e) Een mogelijke bijdrage van socio-cybernetica aan het analyseren, sturen en evalueren van complexe technisch bestuurskundige problemen.Een discussie (Dutch) in Wetenschappelijk Tijdschift voor Modelbouw en Informatica (C. van Dijkum & D. DeTombe (Eds.))  96 1 - 4, 97 1 – 2 (Dutch: A possible contribution of socio-cybernetics to analyzing, guiding and evaluation of complex technical management problems).

DeTombe, D. J & C. VanDijkum (1996a) Methods and tools for analyzing complex interdisciplinary problems. An introduction to the theme. In Dorien J. De Tombe & Cor VanDijkum, Analyzing Societal Problems Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag, p.1 - 6. ISBN 3-87988-189-8.

DeTombe, Dorien J. & Cor VanDijkum (Eds.) (1996b) Analyzing Societal Problems. A Methodological Approach. Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag, 300 pp. ISBN 3-87988-189-8.

DeTombe, Dorien J. & H. 't Hart (1996) Using system dynamic modelling techniques for constructing scenarios of societal problems. In Dorien J. DeTombe & Cor van Dijkum (Eds.) Analyzing Societal Problems. Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag, p. 57-75. ISBN 3-87988-189-8.

Stuhler E. & D. J. DeTombe (Eds.) (1996) Complex Problems & Climate Change. Volume 2. Munich: Munich University of Technology.


DeTombe, D.  J. (1995a) Gaming and simulations as methods for analyzing complex technical policy problems (abstract). In A.G. Carbonell & F. Watts (Eds) Learning through Experience: the Challenge of Change, ISAGA conference 1995, University Politechnica of Valencia, Spain.

DeTombe, D.  J. (1995b) Methods and tools for handling societal problems (abstract) Euro XIV, 14th European Conference on Operational Research, 1995- 20th Anniversary of Euro, Jerusalem, Israel, p. 2-90.

DeTombe, D.  J. (1995c) Using cooperative problem handling tools for handling societal problems (abstract) Euro XIV, 14th European Conference on Operational Research, 1995- 20th Anniversary of Euro, Jerusalem, Israel, pp. 2-103.

DeTombe, D.  J. (1995d) Using system dynamic modelling tools for complex technical policy problems (abstract), in A.G. Carbonell & F. Watts (Eds) Learning through Experience: the Challenge of Change, ISAGA conference 1995, University Politechnica of Valencia, Spain.

DeTombe, D. J. (1995e) Analysing the post-communist situation with Compram: a method to analyze complex interdisciplinary societal problems. Journal for Mental Changes, Vol. I, nr.2, pp. 195-207.

DeTombe, D. J. (1995f) Cooperative Handling of Complex Interdisciplinary Societal Problems. In Guangzhong Liu, Kang-Hoh Phua, Jigang Ma, Juping Xu, Fuwen Gu & Changzheng He (Eds.) Optimization Techniques and application, ICOTA '95, Volume 2, Chendu University of Science and Technology, Chengdu, China. Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong: World Scientific, pp. 1408-1416.

DeTombe, D .J. (1995g) The use of Group systems V for analyzing policy problems with technical aspects. In J. Nunamaker & D. Vogel (Eds.) Proceedings of  the groupsystems '95 sixth annual users' conference, Ventana, Arizona, USA.

VanDijkum, Cor & Dorien de Tombe (red.) (1995) Simulatie in Nederland: een stand van zaken. Amsterdam: SISWO, 133 pp. ISBN 90 6706 129-8.

Súilleabhain, Micheál Ó, Elmar A. Stuhler & Dorien J. DeTombe (1995) Research on Cases and Theory , volume 4, Norbet Derner, Hans Specht, Elmar A. Stuhler, Hochschulforschung und - lehre, Theoriebezogenes komplexes Problemlösen, Munchen/Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag ISBN 3-87988-148-0; ISSN 0940-2829.


DeTombe, D. J.  (1994a)  Defining complex interdisciplinary societal problems. A theoretical study for constructing a cooperative problem analyzing method: the method COMPRAM. Amsterdam: Thesis publishers Amsterdam (dissertation), 439  pp. ISBN 90 5170 302-3.

Tombe de, D.J. (1994b) A method for restructuring and forecasting complex interdisciplinary societal problems. In Radenesca, ISAGA '93. Boekarest: University of Roemenia.

Tombe de, D.J. (1994c) Het gebruik van simulatie methoden voor het analyseren van complexe interdisciplinaire maatschappelijke problemen: de methode COMPRAM. In Cor van Dijkum & Dorien de Tombe (red.) Simulatie in Nederland: een stand van zaken. Amsterdam: SISWO.

Van Dijkum, C. & D.J. DeTombe (Eds.) (1994) The First International Conference on Complex Societal Problems. Volume 0 Technische Universiteit Delft / Universiteit Utrecht.

Súilleabhain, Micheál Ó, Elmar A. Stuhler & Dorien J. DeTombe, Research on Cases and Theory , volume 3, (1994) Micheál Ó Súilleabhain (Ed.) Legal Theory and Cases: Shifting Frontiers, Munchen/Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag ISBN 3-87988-079-4; ISSN 0940-2829.

Leydesdorff Loet, Peter Van Den Besselaar, Peter M. Allen, Dorien DeTombe, Richard R. Nelson, Arie Rip (1994) (Eds. ) Evolutionary Economics and Chaos Theory: New Directions in Technology Studies Evolutionary Economics & Chaos Theory)  ISBN: 0312122187, Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan , Publisher: St. Martin's Press, Pub.


DeTombe, D.J. (1993a) A method for defining complex problems. In E.A. Hany & K.A. Heller (Eds.) Competence and Responsibility, Volume 1, Seattle, Toronto, Bern; Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, pp. 31-32.

DeTombe, D.J. (1993b) Analysing the post-communist situation with Compram: a method to analyse complex interdisciplinary societal problems. In A.L. Biela, B. Pawlowski, Roznowski & J. Sobek (Eds.) Protection of environment: mental changes and social integration perspective. Lublin: Central European Center for Behavioral Economics, pp. 47-57.

DeTombe, D.J. (1993c) Expertnye sistemy i resmenie problem, Academy of Science, 13 pp., USSR.

DeTombe, D.J. (1993d) Obutchajutchie aspekty igr, Academy of Science, 12 pp., USSR.

DeTombe, D.J. (1993e) Setting complex domain extended problems. In K. Nowak (Ed.), School of Simulation and Gaming, proceedings 1990. Krakow: Academy of Economics, Statistics and Informatics.

DeTombe, D.J. (1993f) An Interdisciplinary Process of Problem Handling for Policy Making on Environmental Problems. In E. A. Stuhler & M. O'Súilleabháin (Eds.), Enhancing Human Capacity to Solve Ecological and Socio-economic problems, volume 2. Research on Cases and Theory, pp. 30-46 (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

DeTombe, D.J. (1993g) Career guidance as a Complex Interdisciplinary Societal problem. In A.G. Watts, E. Stern & N. Deen (Eds.) Career Guidance towards the 21st century.Cambridge: CRAC, Hobson Publishing, pp. 58-60. (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

DeTombe, D. J. (1993h) Cooperative Defining of Complex Societal Problems. The AIDS Problem. In: R. Glanville & G. de Zeeuw (Eds.) Problems of Support, Survival and Culture. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, pp. 305 – 319.

DeTombe, D.J. & C. Van Dijkum (1993) Non-linear moments in technological development. In L. Leydesdorff (Ed.) New developments in technology studies: evolutionary economics and chaos theory, Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, pp. 30-32.

Súilleabhain, Micheál Ó, Elmar A. Stuhler & Dorien J. DeTombe, Research on Cases and Theory, volume 2, (1993) Elmar A. Stuhler, Micheál Ó Súilleabhain (Eds.) Enhancing Human Capacity to Solve Ecological and Socio-economic Problems, Munchen/Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag ISBN 3-87988-067-0; ISSN 0940-2829.

Van Dijkum C. & D.J. de Tombe (1993) Een nieuwe jaargang. In Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift voor Modelbouw en Informatica  (TIM), jr. 2, 1.


DeTombe, D.J. (1992a) Manager Training with Cases. In L. Piecuch (Ed.) Symulacyjne Modele Przedsiebiorstw, krakow: Akademii Ekonomicznej w Krakowie, Polska (Krakow Academy of Economy, Poland), pp. 192 - 208.

DeTombe, D.J. (1992b) Onzekerheden in de voorspelling van de Aids epidemie. In Cor van Dijkum & Dorien de Tombe (red.) Gamma Chaos. Onzekerheid en orde in de menswetenschappen. Bloemendaal: Aramith uitgevers, pp. 126-137. ISBN 90-6834-105-7 (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

DeTombe, D.J. (1992c) Using a simulation tool for defining global problems. ISAGA'91; 22nd Annual International Conference of the International Simulation and Gaming Association. Kyoto, Japan (abstract) (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

DeTombe, D.J. (1992d) Chaos en epidemiologische scenarios: het aids scenario. Onzekerheden in de voorspelling van de Aids epidemie (Dutch) p. 126 - 137. In Dijkum, van, C. & D. J. DeTombe (red.) (1992) Gamma Chaos. Onzekerheid en orde in de menswetenschappen. Bloemendaal: Aramith uitgevers, 173 pp. ISBN 90-68341057. (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

Súilleabhain, Micheál Ó, Elmar A. Stuhler & Dorien J. DeTombe, Research on Cases and Theory , volume 1, (1992) Margaret Boos, A typology of Case Studies, Munchen/Mering: Rainer Hampp Verlag ISBN 3-87988-033-6; ISSN 0940-2829.

Van Dijkum C. & D. J. DeTombe (1992a) Een nieuwe lente. In Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift voor Modelbouw en Informatica (TIM), jr. 1, 1. (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

VanDijkum, C. & D. J. DeTombe (red.) (1992b) Gamma Chaos. Onzekerheid en orde in de menswetenschappen. Bloemendaal: Aramith uitgevers, 173 pp. ISBN 90-68341057 (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

Van Dijkum Cor & Dorien DeTombe (1992c) Inleiding. In Cor van Dijkum & Dorien DeTombe (red.) Gamma Chaos. Onzekerheid en orde in de menswetenschappen. Bloemendaal: Aramith uitgevers, pp. 7 - 9. ISBN 90-6834-105-7 (published as Tombe de,).


DeTombe, D.J. (1991a) (Editor) Earli Special Interest Group Manager Training for Setting Complex Domain Exceeded Problems, 2,1. 18 pp. (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

DeTombe, D.J. (1991b) Developing problem solving skills. European Journal For High Ability, vol. 2, pp. 18-27. (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

DeTombe, D.J. (1991c) Games simulations and training for problem solving. In H. Klein (Ed.) WACRA '91. World Association for Case Method research and Application, Waltham, MA. pp. 63-71. (published as Tombe de, D. J.).

DeTombe, D.J. (1991d) Probleem oplossen; Het definiëren van complexe interdisciplinaire maatschappelijke problemen. In Informatie bulletin Vereniging van Informatiekunde & Informatica, 3 jr, 5, pp. 16-19. (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

DeTombe , D.J. (1991e) Solving complex problems . In D.J. de Tombe (ed.) Newsletter of the Earli SIG EMTCP, 3,1, pp. 7-15. (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

DeTombe, D.J. (1991f) Using System Dynamics method for defining the Aids problem. In K. Saeed, D. Andersen & J. Machuca (Eds) System Dynamics'91. Cambridge USA & Bangkok,Thailand: System Dynamic Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Asian Institute of Technology, pp. 152-162 (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

Kanselaar, G. & D.J. DeTombe (1991) Courseware evaluatie. Een instrument ter beoordeling van de onderwijskundige en algemeen didactische aspecten van programma's voor computer ondersteund onderwijs. De Lier: Academisch Boeken Centrum, 94 pp. ISBN 90-72051-81-9 (published as Tombe de, D.J.).


DeTombe, D.J. (1990a) Courseware development, more than just programming. In A. Martin & F. Blow (Eds.) Computers in the History Classroom. Leeds: Leeds University Press, pp. 171-184. (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

DeTombe, D.J. (1990b) Games as a training environment for managers. In D. Meadows (Ed.), 1990, ISAGA/NASAGA Conference, International Conference on Gaming and Simulation for the Twenty First Century. Durham, NH: Institute for Policy and Social Science Research, pp. 15-23. (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

DeTombe, D.J. (1990c) Manager trainings environment for setting complex problems. In D.F. Anderson, G. P. Richardson & J.D. Sterman (Eds.) System Dynamics '90. Boston, MA: The System Dynamics Society, pp 280-293. (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

DeTombe, D.J. (1990d) The development of Knowledge Based Systems in the Netherlands. In: L. Piecuch (Ed.) III Miedzynarodowa Konferencja 'Symulacyjne modele przedsiebiostw''. Krakow/Trzemesnia: Academy of Economics, Statistics and Informatics. (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

DeTombe, D.J. (1990e) The use of cases in a training environment for setting complex problems. In H. Klein (Ed.) Problem solving with cases and simulations. Waltham, MA: Bentley College Press, pp. 379-389. (published as Tombe de, D.J.)


DeTombe, D.J. (1989a) Ontwikkelingsfasen in educatieve software. In J. Klep, & P. Kommers (red.) Courseware en leerplanontwikkeling, Symposium Didactische Systeemanalyse, Studies in leerplanontwikkeling, 14. Enschede: SLO, pp. 313-329. (published as Tombe de, D.J.).

DeTombe, D.J. (1989b) The use of the computer in setting domain exceeded problems (summary). In D.J. de Tombe (Ed.) Newsletter of the Earli SIG EMTCP, 1,1. (published as Tombe de, D.J.).


Tombe de, D.J. (1987a) Kantekeningen bij LOGO als programmeertaal in het onderwijs. In V.J.E. Haars, A.F.M. Verhoeven & M. F. de Vreese-Boeck (red.) Leren met LOGO. Nijmegen: Leren met LOGO, pp. 23-31.

Tombe de, D.J. (1987b) LOGOWriter, een nieuw concept. In V.J.E. Haars, A.F.M. Verhoeven & M. F. de Vreese-Böck (red.) Leren met LOGO . Nijmegen: Leren met LOGO, pp. 163-167.


 DeTombe, Dorien &  A .J. Muntjewerff  (1984) Maar ja, daar hebben vrouwen niet zo veel keus in.Thesis pedagogy. Amsterrdam: University of Amsterdam & Free University Amsterdam.


DeTombe, Dorien (1976) De psycho-sociale begeleiding door het consultatie bureau voor zuigelingen en kleuters. Scriptie M.O.A. pedagogiek. Pedagogisch Seminarium aan de Vrije Universiteit. Published as D.J. de Wilde de Ligny-de Tombe



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General contact address:

Prof. Dr. Dorien J. DeTombe Founder and Chair International - , Euro - , West-Euro- & Dutch Operational Research Research Group Methodology of Societal Complexity  Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe Tel: +31 626334270  E-Mail: 

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©Dorien J. DeTombe, All rights reserved first created December 1996, updated December 2023