E-Courses Compram Methodology and Methodology of Societal Complexity

Interdisciplinary E-Courses on Methodology of Societal Complexity


E-Course  I  The Compram Methodology[1]  and Methodology of Societal Complexity and Simulation Models: Combination of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods and Tools

Dorien DeTombe




Graduate, Post-Graduate and Ph.D. Program 2017-2020

Students: Master students / Post Doctoral Students / Ph.D. students in the field of Methodology, Sociology, Public Policy Making, Healthcare and Agriculture

also interesting for Participants of Policy Makers and Managers in the field of Healthcare, Agriculture, Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Global Safety and Central and Local Government

Field of application: Methodology, Policy Making, Healthcare, Agriculture, Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Global Safety


Greenhill & Waterfront International Scientific & Development Institute on Complex Societal Complexity

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe

Tel: +31 20 6927526  E-mail: complex@complexitycourse.org; DeTombe@nosmo.nl

info: www.complexitycourse.org/complexitycourse.html


Interdisciplinary E-courses on the Compram Methodology and Methodology of Societal Complexity in co-operation with





ISBN/EAN: 978-90-77171-23-3

Title:: e-Course: Methodology of Societal Complexity
Sub title:
Methodology of Societal Complexity: The Compram Methodology and Simulation Models

Author: DeTombe, D. & Van Dijkum, C.

Publisher: Greenhill & Waterfront Scientific Publisher
Section-title: Combination of quantitative and qualitative methods and tools
E-Course I
NUR-code: 916
NUR-description:  Statistic and Methodology

Pages: 100

Language: English

Date: 06-06-2008,update 01-01-2014  

ã Greenhill & Waterfront




E-Course I Complexity

The Compram Methodology and Methodology of Societal Complexity and Simulation Models: Combination of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods and Tools



E--Course II Complexity

The Compram Methodology and Methodology of Societal Complexity and Guiding Group Processes for Policy Making: the Facilitator and the Group Decision Room

The Compram methodology is advised by the OECD (July 2006) to handle complex societal issues: global safety. Report on the Workshop on Science and Technology for a Safer Society http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/29/2/37163745.pdf  



Introduction to the E-Courses Compram Methodology and Methodology for Societal Complexity


The Compram methodology and the Methodology for Societal Complexity are methodologies to handle complex societal problems. Complex societal problems are problems like traffic congestion, credit crisis, immigration problems and agricultural business problems; world-wide problems and local problems.

Complex societal problems are difficult to handle because of their complexity. They need a multidisciplinary approach. The Compram methodology is a special methodology for policy making for complex societal problems.

In the E-courses the main ideas of the Theory of the Methodology for Societal Complexity will be explained with an introduction to the Compram methodology (Complex Problem HAndling Methodology) (DeTombe 1994, 2009).

In the E-courses Compram Methodology and Methodology for Societal Complexity  questions will be addressed like:

What are complex societal problems?

What have the different complex societal problems all in common?

What is the reason these problems need a multidisciplinary approach?

Why should these kinds of problems be handled in co-operation, such as with groups of experts and actors?

What are the basic approaches for handling complex societal problems?

What is the role of knowledge, power and emotion in handling complex societal problems?

What kind of combination of qualitative and quantitative methods are needed to handle these problems?

What is the role of system thinking, system-dynamics, and chaos theory in the theory of complex societal problems?

What is the role of the facilitator and the Group Decisions Support Room


The Compram methodology


The Compram methodology can be applied for all kind of policy problems like climate change, transport, sustainable development, healthcare, economy, and global safety.


The Compram methodology is a scientific methodology for handling complex societal problems in a transparent and structured way.

The Compram methodology is advised by the OECD (July 2006) to handle complex societal issues: global safety.  Report on the Workshop on Science and Technology for a Safer Society http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/29/2/37163745.pdf


Handling means analyzing, policymaking, decision making, guiding and evaluating interventions. The Compram methodology is developed by DeTombe (1994-2014). Most problem handling methods focus on a part of the problem handling process; the Compram methodology, however, focuses on the whole spectrum of the problem handling process, from awareness to evaluation of the interventions. Modeling complex societal problems give the handlers of the problems the possibility to analyze the relations between the phenomena and between the actors of the problem.


Modeling the problem enlarges the insight in the problem. The Compram methodology uses a seven-layer communication modeling scheme that models the problem in different ways using different ‘languages’ in such a way that one layer compensate the weak points of an other. In the seventh layer a simulation model of the problem is constructed. This system dynamic simulation model is the result of the insights in the problem developed by modeling the previous layers. In this way it is a central part of the modeling scheme of the method. Modeling enhances the communication about the problem.


Communication is needed because these problems are handled by a group of people. Several groups of people of different fields, interests and backgrounds handle the problem. First experts with knowledge of the different fields of the problem, then the actors involved in the problem. Then discussion starts to find mutual agreement for interventions to the problem.

The problem handling process of complex societal problems has a knowledge, power and emotional component. All these components should be handled carefully in the problem handling process.


To handle complex societal problems with methods of research of computer simulation is indispensable. Computer simulation can facilitate the understanding of causal relations between determining factors of a complex societal problems. With computer simulation one can comprehend the time development of a causal network. Complexity is a concept that only can be understand when it is put into the framework of mathematical complexity theory. That is a theory based on the mathematics of non -linear differential equations, which is developed with the aid of computer simulation.


E-Courses: Compram Methodology and Methodology of Societal Complexity

Each course consist of:


Knowledge and applications on Methodology of Societal Complexity, on the Compram Methodology and on Simulation Models. Combination of  quantitative and qualitative methods and tools are instructed for learning to handle complex societal problems. Literature study and assignments.


Start the course: subscribe  http://www.complexitycourse.org/subscribe.html


E-Mail: complex@complexitycourse.org ;  DeTombe@nosmo.nl

E-Course Study:                               Each E-Course consist of scientific articles and  assignments 

E-Course Type:                                 Self –paced Scientific E-Course  Study

Available:                                              By email

Each course Credits:                         6 ESC[1] and diploma[2]

Estimated Time of Completion:     12 weeks (half time)

Language:                                              English

Fee:                                                       1400 Euro

Start time:                                            in consultation with Prof. D. J. DeTombe, e-mail DeTombe@nosmo.n

Student Evaluation:                         Literature theory questions and assignments

Evaluation:                          The courses are evaluated by the Nosmo The Dutch Society of Methodologist   www.nosmo.nl

For each E-course initial acquirements, learning goals, descriptions and objectives are formulated


[1] ESC are European Student Credits

[2] In order to make the credits and the diploma are accountable for your study progress the course  have to be recognized by your own university




Prof. Dr.  Dorien DeTombe (MSc.Ph.D.)

Chair International Research Society on

Methodology of Societal Complexity

P.O. Box. 3286, NL-1001 AB Amsterdam ,

The Netherlands , Europe

Tel: +31 20 6927526 

E-mail : detombe@nosmo.nl

Website: www.complexitycourse.org/doriendetombe.html

Publication list:


Some photos








E-Course I Compram Methodology and Methodology of Societal Complexity description:


Introduction to the field of societal complexity and the Compram methodology.


Introduction to the field of system thinking and simulation modelling.


Application on the field of healthcare HIV/Aids and climate change



A general knowledge of how societal complex problems should be handled, knowledge of the Compram methodology and knowledge of system thinking and building a  simulation model.



Theoretical and applied literature

Theory of societal complexity

Introduction to the Compram methodology

Theory of simulation and system thinking


Example of an article on the Compram Methodology

DeTombe, Dorien J. (2001) Compram, a Method for Handling Complex Societal Problems In DeTombe, Dorien J. (Guest Editor) Feature Issue: Complex Societal Problems, European Journal of Operation Research; D.J. Slowinski, R. Teghem, J. Wallenius, J. (Eds). Vol. 128-2, January 16, 2001, Elsevier, North-Holland, Amsterdam, ISSN 0377-2217, pp. 266-282


An example of an article on simulation theory


see for an example of simulation theory



Student evaluation: Literature theory questions and assignments



Power point presentations on:

Compram methodology, Global safety, HIV/Aids, Climate change and system dynamic modeling


Example of a (part of) power point presentation on the Compram methodology and Global safety



Video lectures:

 DeTombe on Global Safety

Follow-up courses:


E--Course II Complexity

The Compram Methodology and Methodology of Societal Complexity and Guiding Group Processes for Policy Making: the Facilitator and the Group Decision Room



Greenhill & Waterfront International Scientific & Development Institute on Complex Societal Complexity

 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Europe

Tel: +31 20 6927526 E-mail complex@complexitycourse.org DeTombe@nosmo.nl




[1] The Compram methodology is advised by the OECD (July 2006) to handle complex societal issues. The ‘Final consensus report’ is published in see

Report on the Workshop on Science and Technology for a Safer Society 20-Jul-2006 http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/29/2/37163745.pdf.


[2] In order to make the credits and the diploma are accountable for your study progress the course  have to be recognized by your own university


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Web site first published June 2008, update January 2017 

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